The First day back

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*year 3 begins now*

I was packing my trunk with wordless magic as my father called from his room I almost didn't hear him I was so ready to see my friends again that I almost didn't hear him but I did and ran into his room.

"Yes dad?" I ask as I stood in the doorway of his room my mother had left hours ago so she wasn't home it was just the two of us.

"I don't want it to be weird for you with me being your teacher this year." My dad began like it would be the biggest embarrassment in the world it's not.

"Dad I'm thrilled that you're a teacher now i can truly show you how great I am!" He laughed which it is the most beautiful thing I looked at the clock and realized we needed to leave.

When we arrived at the train station I sat my trunk with the rest of them and felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist I instantly knew who it was.

"Mattheo!" I shrieked I was so happy to see him he has become a really good friend of mine and I loved that he was smart and funny he was also very sweet.

"I've missed you so much!" He says making me laugh "likewise!" He grabbed my hand and led me to a table where other Slytherins sat I normally sit with Harry Hermione and Ron but I guess Mattheo wanted me to sit next to him and I didn't mind of course it just made me wonder how my best friends would feel.

Mattheo pulled me down next to him he was sat beside a boy I knew to be Theodore Nott I've always liked him but he never once noticed me so I never paid much attention to him Draco was across from me next to him was Blaise Zabini and next to him was Pansy we'd all been close for the past few year Draco and I have a love hate relationship with one another but that never bothered me.

"Woah y/n did you suddenly get hot over the summer?" Draco flirtatiously asks he likes to point out the little things but it doesn't bother me.

"Uhm no I just got my braces off." I scoffed and he laughed Mattheo placed his arm around my shoulders he does that a lot.

"Oh yeah sure sure there's something else too tho you're hair it's different." I mean my hair grew a little bit over the summer but nothing too drastic.

"Nope I think you are delusional." Blaise and pansy laughed at my comment I missed them so much we all went on about what we did over the summer and laughed when the train came to a halt and the lights shut off and it grew colder "we aren't at hogwarts yet why did we stop?" I heard pansy ask and no one spoke except Theodore.

"Who knows I'm more concerned about why it shut down completely." No one responded to him when I saw a hooded black figure now I have never been scared of anything but that was scary though I didn't flinch it flew past us and eventually the lights turned back on and we began moving again.

"What was a dementor doing on the train?" Pansy asked as if we had the answer but I now knew what a dementor was and I was sure I didn't like them "they were probably searching for Sirius Black." Theodore spoke again I knew that man well I've heard of him "y/n you okay?" Mattheo asked me and everyone looked at me it was concerning because even Theodore was looking at me.

"Yeah I just heard that name before him and my dad were best friends." I never knew much more than that Draco began to say something but I didn't hear him as I saw my father walking past us he nodded his head at me and continued on his way and after some time we finally arrived at hogwarts we got off the train and headed for the carriages that went to the grounds I felt a hand on my shoulder when turned I saw hermione "hey come ride with us." She spoke kinda demanding me but I nodded "I'll see you guys later." And walked off with her and climbed into the carriage with them as we went to the school.

When we arrived I went inside to the Slytherin table and sat next to Mattheo he put his arm around my shoulders once again when the first years came in to be sorted I remember when me and my friends were up there it was terrifying but worth it in the end a few were sorted into our house but not many before the feast began  Dumbledore spoke.

"This year is not like any year at hogwarts as you have noticed Dementors are stationed at every entrance to the grounds and the ministry does not wish I tell you why but I disagree you all have a right to know Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban prison and it is just a safety matter but remember this even in the darkest times only one must remember to turn on the light."

He had a very motivational speech I'll give it to him he began to speak again "now just one more thing before the feast I would like to introduce your new defense against the dark arts professor R.J Lupin!" Everyone clapped "hey y/n isn't that your dad?" Draco asked and I nodded.

"And Hagrid will be taking over of care of magical creatures!" Everyone clapped again and the feast began as we ate Mattheo kept stealing food off my plate but I ignored him "psst y/n!" I turned to be face to face with Harry. "Yes?" I questioned "after dinner there is something I need to tell you." I nodded at him and went back to my the people at my table.

When dinner was over I got up and walked out with my friends but I stopped "I'll meet you guys there I have to meet up with Harry first." They nodded and went on their was Harry found me and told me what happened to him on the train I found it odd but didn't question it I just went to the dungeons and went into the slytherin common room Mattheo came up to me "hey." I laughed at him "oh you room with pansy again this year." I nodded and went up to our room.

"Hey pansy!" She smiled as I spoke and entered the room "heyyy I have something to tell you!" She spoke and I nodded for her to continue "I noticed Theo looking at you a lot on the train." Theo was looking at me? I don't believe that even for a second "okay?" I was at a loss for words and changed into my pajamas "I'm serious he couldn't take his eyes off you." She began again "okay I believe you let's just get to bed it's already super late and we start classes tomorrow." She nodded and climbed into bed and we both went to sleep.

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