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(Y/ns pov)

An unfamiliar hand grabbed mine and pulled me down the stairs away from Ron "y/n what do I tell Harry?" I heard Ron ask "tell him I was kidnapped!" I shout as I'm continuing to be pulled down the stairs and I noticed that it was just my friends but the hand it was Theo's I slightly pulled my hand from his but he didn't let go we finally reached the end of the stairs.

"I thought that class would never end!" Blaise began with his complaints I tugged my hand away once again but he didn't let go not that I minded but we were down the stairs now and I wasn't going to run from them.

"We have pansy and Draco in our next class." Mattheo spoke as we reached outside no one responded the only thing I could think about was Theo's hand on mine he still hadn't let go when we followed Hagrid into the forest and stopped and gathered around I looked up to him and whispered "you know you could've let go of my hand a long time ago right?" He looked down at me a bit confused then realized he was still holding my hand and let it go.

I lightly laughed as Mattheo came and stood by me and put his arm around my shoulder which I expected he'd do we heard Draco picking on harry but stayed out of it then the most beautiful creature I had ever seen I was mesmerized.

"Ah y/n Harry! Well done volunteerin!" Hagrid said and I was confused when I turned around everyone had stepped back leaving Harry and I up front.

"Come on now, don't be shy!" He said motioning us to come closer I felt a hand push my back when turned it was Mattheo and Harry had the same experience as me with Ron.

We walked towards Hagrid "nice and slow." He said "okay now bow." I was confused "what?" Harry questioned "bow and when he bows back the two of you can go and pet him." We do as he says and he starts freaking out.

"Back off guys back off!" He says as we back up harry steps on a twig and we stop moving "it's okay just stay very still." We do so and then the bird bows back to us Harry and I stood up and stretched our arms out.

"Easy dos it... let him come to you." In a matter of seconds the bird brushed against Harry and I's hand the class began to clap I smiled the bird was soft "well done! I think he may let you ride him now." He said grabbing Harry and placing him on the bird I did not want to ride him though.

Hagrid then grabbed me and sat me behind Harry "carful now... not to pull the feathers!" He said slapping the but of the bird and it took off I grabbed Harry's waist but realized that it wasn't so bad Harry and i put our arms out to the sides of us I'd never felt so alive and neither did Harry.

I put my arms back around Harry as we dove back down to the others and landed Hagrid helped us down and people clapped and cheered for us but my eyes met his Theo's he had a very pleased look on his face I ran up to my friends and they all looked so happy.

"What was it like!" Enzo asked me and I smiled "it was amazing!" They smiled but that happiness was sucked away when Malfoy did something stupid.

"Ahh it's killed meh it's killed meh!" I rolled my eyes how could he be so stupid "Hagrid he needs to be taken to the hospital!" Hermione yelled to him and he nodded and picked him up and dismissed class it was now time for Defense Against the Dark Arts my dads class.

The five of us walked to class together and when we got there everyone surrounded the closest in the middle of the class room my father appeared and tapped his wand onto to closet and it began to move.

"Can anyone tell me what is in here?" He asked and I knew the answer so I raised my hand as well as a few others willing to take a guess hermione also had her hand up I knew she knew the answer. "Yes y/n!" I smiled I was surprised he didn't pick hermione but glad he picked me.

"It's a boggart!" I said smiling and felt Mattheo put his arm around me "very good! Can you tell me what a Boggart looks like y/n?" I also knew the answer "no one knows that's what so scary about them they change into someone's biggest fear." My father was pleased and I did my job.

"Excellent! Now I want you all to repeat after me without wands please Ridkkulus!" The class repeated him "very good! What is your name son?" He asked a kid i couldn't see "Neville Longbottom sir." He nodded "what do you fear the most?" He mumbled something "I'm sorry I didn't catch that?" He repeated himself "Professor Snape." He said and the class laughed.

"Okay stand here and when I open it here's what I want you to do." He whispered something and opened the closet out came Snape and Neville did the spell and the class laughed "okay everyone form a line!"

People rushed to get in the line Mattheo and Theo stood at the very back with the rest of our friends but they were last and I could tell that they were hoping that they wouldn't have to go.

And they were lucky they didn't my Father called class and we went to leave when my father spoke
"Y/n stay back for a moment please." I looked to my friends "I'll see you guys in the Great Hall." I said to them and walked over to my dad.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you." I smiled "thank you." He hugged me and then sent me off I went to the Great Hall has its now lunch time and sat in my spot next to Mattheo and while we ate we laughed and talked and then the rest of the day just flew by.

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