Sneaking Around

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(Y/ns pov)

We were sitting in Mattheo and Theo's dorm room Theo was on his bed me and Mattheo were on his while the Blaise and Enzo were on the floor no one was talking till Blaise began complaining.

"Guys I'm so bored!" When wasn't he bored? I seriously want to know "okay Blaise what do you want to do then?" Enzo asked him and he just shrugged.

"Okay Blaise if you are going to say you're bored have something to do in mind." Mattheo spat and i couldn't agree more I looked over to Theo who was looking at Blaise then turned back to Blaise.

"Ooo why don't we do what we did in second year and sneak into the kitchen!" Blaise got all excited and I think that he was way too excited.

"Blaise you idiot y/n wouldn't do it because her dad is a professor." Theo spat but he was so wrong I would do it he wouldn't know.

"Then we leave her here and go by ourselves." Blaise acted like it was the best idea ever "oh hell no if we go she goes."I smiled at Mattheo "yeah but Theo's right she won't come." It's bold of them to assume that they didn't even ask.

I get up off the bed and walk to the door and open it and turn back to them and they each give me a confused look. "You boys coming or?" Mattheo jumped up and walked over to me putting his arm around my shoulders "oh we're coming!" He said as they all jumped up and followed us out of the common room.

I find it a bit weird how we have done this many times and Theo has not once noticed I exist. It makes no sense to me and now all of a sudden he notices me.

As we are sneaking around the castle to get to the kitchen Blaise was on the lookout checking corridors he peaked around the wall and said "shit against the wall!" In a whisper meaning someone was in the corridor we pressed our backs to the wall I felt a hand brush against mine when I turned to see whose hand it was I saw Theo standing next to me.

I didn't know if he had done it on purpose so I didn't say or do anything but it happened to more times Blaise was still peaking over the wall to check if it was clear then turning back against the wall when I felt it the fourth time I just grabbed his hand.

He looked down to me and I whispered "four times? If you wanted to hold my hand that badly you could've just asked." He didn't say anything he just smiled and Blaise spoke "okay we're good let's go!" Without letting go of my hand Theo began to walk.

We finally reached the kitchen and went inside the kitchen Elves were just walking around baking and preparing for tomorrow we all spread out except Theo continued to hold my hand a follow me wherever I went I slid up on the counter and sat on and Theo faced me.

"I've never noticed what snacks you eat when we would come in here." He stated "yeah because you never noticed me." I respond and grab the cookie jar next to me on the counter.

He smiled "cookies?" He questioned with a smirk on his face "yes Theodore cookies but they aren't just any cookies they're chocolate chip cookies!" He laughed "is that supposed to be the best kind or something?" He asked me and I smiled.

"I mean no but they're my favorite so I think so." He smiled and opened the jar and took two cookies from it then closed it and set it back on the counter next to me then handed me one of the cookies.

I smiled as I took it he was actually a very sweet boy he just never showed this side around her we ate our cookies and Blaise and Enzo were fighting over a cupcake but eventually it ended up on the floor.

"Now neither of you can have it but you've had your fun please leave now." One of the Elves said and we got up and left Theo grabbed my hand and we walked out together.

"I still don't want to go back to the common room!" Blaise exclaimed but he knew we had to and we snuck back into the dungeons but before we had made it we were in a corridor and Blaise spoke "against the wall!" In a whisper we went against the wall.

We heard professors talking. "They think Sirius Black would actually come to hogwarts?" That seemed to be Professor McGonagll "it's highly unlikely Minerva I assure you that you have nothing to worry about." That however was my father and if he came down this corridor I'd be screwed.

"Does Y/n know how close the two of you were?" Of course I did my dad told me "yes she does it's late we have classes to teach tomorrow let's get to bed now." He said as the foot steps went separate directions.

"Shit Lupin your dad is coming!" I noticed a door and pulled Theo into it because he was holding my hand and the other boys stayed out there and my dad had caught them.

"Boys what are you doing out of bed?" He questioned them while Theo and I remained quiet. "Oh Professor we were just-" Enzo spoke but was interrupted by my father "and where are the other two?" Theo looked at me and shook his head.

"What others professor?" Mattheo asked and Theo and I held back laughter "my daughter Y/n and Theodore." The fact he knew the two that were missing is so funny to me.

"Oh they stayed in the dorm." Blaise began I could practically feel the disbelief of my father "very well then off to bed you three." He spoke and walked away "it's clear now guys." Mattheo said and we stepped out no longer holding hands.

"Bold Y/n bold oh I'm Y/n and I'm going to save Theo and leave the others to death!" Blaise began "oh stop being so dramatic and get us back to the common room." He did just that when we arrived at the common room it was empty.

"We need to do that again sometime!" Blaise explained "we literally go caught." Enzo spoke "yeah but it's fine next time we won't!" He said walking upstairs with Enzo behind him "I swear he will be the death of us." Mattheo said and i couldn't agree more.

"You coming Theo?" He asked "yeah I'll be there in a second."Mattheo nodded and walked up the stairs. "Maybe we do that again sometime just us though?" He asked but stated at the same time "are you asking me out Nott?" I said crossing my arms and smirking.

"Maybe I am what's the answer?" I smiled "I'll think about it!" I said as I began to walk up the stairs I heard him follow me and grab my hand turning me around.

"Don't make me wait to long for the answer." I smirked "no promises." I said as I walked to my dorm when I opened the door Pansy was already asleep I changed into my pajamas and crawled in bed smiling like and idiot after what just happened and fell asleep.

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