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Darla was quickly seated; while Elspeth and James were at each end of the table, Felix sat on one side (on his own as Farleigh hadn't returned) while Oliver sat between Darla Venetia on the other. He could sense Felix's annoyance that Darla wasn't seated next to him and even more so when Darla was sat beside Oliver and not Venetia.

"Darling Darla, you must tell us about your travels!" Elspeth suggested, leaning her elbows on the table and linking her fingers together. James nodded in agreeance. All heads turned towards Darla.

"Well," Darla breathed in, "I've finished the education that I originally left for, but before I get a job I'm going to give myself a break," she laughed quietly. Oliver noticed how she kept her head dropped, fidgeting with her thumbs in her lap. She mustn't like being the centre of attention.

"You're welcome to remain home for as long as you need, sweetheart," Elspeth declared, and Darla smiled at the kindness. Her smile made the room seem brighter to Oliver.

"It'll be nice to have a girl my age around," Venetia scoffed and looked over the table at Darla who stuck her tongue out playfully at her best friend. He had dirty thoughts when she did that but shut them down as fast as he thought them.

"Yes, well I'd be surprised if she didn't grow tired of you in the first day, V," Felix chuckled to receive a sarcastic smile and middle finger in return. Darla giggled at the siblings interaction. Her laugh was a beautiful sound.

"What about you Oliver?"

"Hm?" He looked up to see Darla talking to him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"When did you get here, I mean?" She smiled and bit her bottom lip. Her eyelashes fluttered as she brushed loose strands of hair behind her ear. He shuffled down in his seat, trying to avoid Felix's gaze burning into him.

"Not too long before you," he smiled back at her and he saw her fighting back a flustered smile. He grinned to himself knowing that he already had left an effect on her.

He knew then and there that ruining her innocence would be the most erotic thing he'll ever accomplish. He couldn't wait.


Once Oliver finished his food he wiped his mouth with a tissue and scrunched it up, putting it onto the plate. He glanced over at Darla, who had left the majority of her food.

"Oliver, would you mind accompanying Darla to unpack her bags? Seeing as you arrived recently, I'm sure Darla would appreciate getting to know you," Elspeth suggested. Oliver and Darla quickly looked at each other and then Darla dipped her head, a small smile appearing on her lips, "Go on, now! I must have a word with Felix and Venetia."

Oliver turned his head towards Elspeth and nodded while Felix glared at his mother, crossing his arms against his chest. While Oliver saw this, he didn't care; he was happy to already have alone time with the girl.

The pair got up from their seats and hurried out of the dinner hall. Oliver shoved his hands in his pockets as Darla skipped ahead, twirling around in the centre of the room.

"So, Mr Quick," she giggled, "how's your stay at Saltburn been?" She bit her bottom lip as she slowly walked backwards while facing him. He looked down with a smile as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"It's been alright, but it's better now you're here," he teased. He heard a laugh come from her as they made their way up the stairs. Just being this close to her made his body tremble with a craving that needed satiating and the only solution was her.

"I assume Felix told you that he's moving rooms?" She turned her head to Oliver and saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion. He wasn't told anything...

"No... no, I had no idea."

They got to the top of the stairs and Darla began walking towards the room that was Felix's, so Oliver followed like a lost puppy.

"Then I assume you didn't know I'll be taking it?" She questioned. His heart skipped a beat; it was as if the stars in the universe was aligning for them and giving him more opportunities to be with her. A shared bathroom...

"Lucky me, ey?" He smiled at her and saw her cheeks flush a rosy red colour. She swung the door of the room open and Oliver was shocked to find that the room had been emptied of any trace of Felix. Instead, Darla's luggage lay on the bed while the bed sheets were now a soft pink colour.

"The only reason I'm having this room is Felix offered it," she spoke as Oliver shut the door behind him, "see, I have, well... I have these night terrors and when I was little, I'd come into this room just for the view from the window." She sat on the edge of the bed, staring off into space as she reminisced.

"You're really fuckin' beautiful, you know that?" Oliver mumbled as he hooked his index finger under her chin. He tilted her head so she'd be looking up at him and he saw her mouth open and close while she tried to repress a smile. She cleared her throat and stood up, trying not to feel the effects of their bodies being only inches apart.

"I've been told, but I've never seen it," she laughed lightly, making her away around the bed. He watched her every move with admiration sparkling in his eye. He could tell he already had some effect on her. His ability to be forward with women would get him to places Felix could only dream of.

"You should; everyone in this family adores you," Oliver slowly walked around the bed to where she was stood, taking out her belongings from the suitcases, "Especially Felix."

"I do love Felix," she smiled thinking about him, "He's always been there for me, he's like a big brother to me," she sighed. A mischievous smile grew on his face. Oliver was already winning. Brother. There was no way Felix could win now.

"You know, I don't think he sees you in that way," he bit his lip as she turned to him. She cocked her head while her eyebrows furrowed and her expression of confusion was something Oliver found adorable.

"What do you mean?" She asked. As Oliver went to answer, he wanted to ruin the friendship between Felix and Darla. He had the power to in this moment. But something stopped him and he wasn't sure what.

"Nothing. He loves you too is all," he sighed. He turned his head away from her, while cursing himself for missing the easy chance to benefit himself.

"Hm," she smiled, "anyways, are you any good at folding clothes?"

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