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After Felix's display of anger, Oliver decided to remove himself from the situation, and found that he preferred the warmth of a shower over Felix's cold actions.

The water ran down his face, and washed the dirt of the lake from his hair. He turned the knob of the shower and the water stopped. He tugged his towel from off the rail and lazily rubbed it over his hair, before stepping out and wrapping it around his waist.

He glanced out the window and saw it was dark, and reminded him that dinner would be called in the next half an hour. He grumbled to himself, not in the mood to deal with that family. He got out his shaving kit and put the shaving cream on his lower face. He went to get out his razor, until he was disturbed by a door opening behind him.

He turned around, and him and Darla made eye contact. To say it was awkward was an understatement; she was still, as was he, and he caught her cheeks going red as she examined the half naked man in front of her. As she began stuttering over her words, trying to explain how it was an accident, Oliver's laugh got her to stop.

"Darla, it's a shared bathroom. Plus, if someone in this house were a peeping Tom, it wouldn't be you, my darlin'," he chuckled as he motioned for her to come in. She giggled but kept her head low as she was embarrassed. She shut the door behind her while holding a small white bag.

"I am sorry though," she apologised as she trudged over to the bathroom sink. He glanced over at her while dragging the razor across his skin, and saw that she was getting out all her bathroom essentials and organising them on the counter.

The pair stood in a comfortable silence. Every so often, they'd glance at one another. She couldn't help but realise how attractive she actually found Oliver; his hair was still wet and hung over the front of his face. Drops of water rolled down his chest, back and biceps and she shuddered as his muscles contracted under his skin.

After a few more minutes, they both had finished their own tasks. Oliver didn't want this alone time to end, but he didn't want to act quickly and scare her off. Playing the long game would prove to be difficult, but it'll be worth it.

"I guess I'll be seeing you at dinner," he sighed, watching her face drop slightly.

"I could wait for you..." she suggested quietly. He smiled widely at this but quickly regained his composure. He turned to the door that lead to his bedroom and grabbed the handle. Before he opened it, he looked at Darla.

"Alright, won't be a minute."


Darla was sat cross-legged on the floor outside of Oliver's bedroom, waiting for him to leave. She was busy biting her nails when she finally heard his door swing open. Her head jolted upwards and her face turned red when she saw him in a pair of white socks, grey sweatpants, and a plain black shirt. She gulped.

"Come on then, princess," Oliver sighed as he pulled his door shut. He put his hands out for her to grab. As she placed her hands into his, she tried to lower her face so he wouldn't notice her blushing. Unfortunately, he did and decided to tease her, "don't tell me I'm making you blush, darling."

"N- no..." she stuttered on her words, and Oliver chuckled. He threw his arm over her shoulder and pulled her into his side as they walked down the corridor in silence. He shoved his other hand into his pocket and she wrapped her arm around his torso.

"Olly, can I ask something of you?" She broke the silence and stopped walking, turning to him as she asked. He seemed taken aback by the sudden seriousness.

"Yeah, 'course." He brushed loose strands of hair behind her ear as she answered, and she subtly leaned into his touch.

"I think Elspeth will be planning a party for my arrival, and maybe even a duel party with your birthday celebration, and-"

"How do you know when my birthday is?" He asked with a curious and teasing half-smile on his face. She gulped and fidgeted with her fingers.

"Well, uh, V mentioned it to me once and I just remembered it," she cleared her throat, "anyways, nobody in this family listens when I tell them I hate social gatherings. They think I'm as dense as a rock sometimes, really, but nonetheless, they still do parties for every small thing."

"Go on," Oliver encouraged.

"And I overheard Elspeth talking to some maids about setting up our party, and I wanted to ask something of you..." she looked up at him for permission to ask, "it's quite silly, actually... never mind," she sighed, laughed and rubbed her forehead.

"No, go on," he said and she just stared for a few seconds, "nothing that leaves your pretty lips could ever be silly," he said quietly while placing a hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb over her bottom lip.

"Well, I suppose... would you want to run away with me for the evening? It's childish, but whenever these parties are hosted, I'd always hide in the maze and they'd never find me," she laughed, causing Oliver to smile, "I've done it so many times, I actually know my way around that maze."

"I'd love that," he said and she clapped her hands while jumping up in excitement. He leaned closer so his lips were beside her ear, "I'm not a big fan of them either."

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