My Abusive Boyfriend Threw Me To The Dumps

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     The sound reverberated through the penthouse as you slammed into the ground below you. You had managed to piss Vox off enough that he finally let his anger rip, and now you were paying the consequences.

     "Can you fucking do anything right?!" He screamed, stalking over, presumably to get another hit in. You quickly scampered away, but he roughly grabbed your tail to pull you back into him. You yelped as tears began to form in your eyes. "I give you one fucking task, one! And you go and fuck it up to shit! How can you be so stupid?" The task in question was going to get him an energy drink, yet you had somehow managed to not only drop it, but get it all over his newly tailored suit. Now he was upset he'd have to go to the dry cleaners and risk seeing Alastor since they went to the same one out of pettiness. He took his hand away from your tail before he dug his claws into your scalp to force your eyes to meet his. You cried out in pain, but he gave no care as he growled and smashed your head into the floor. "I should just fucking throw you on the curb and let the sinners have their way with you, you reek of desperation, just like a deer in heat. Oh, wait! That's exactly what you are, haha! Maybe that will finally teach you some manners," you could barely understand what he was saying as you felt liquid dripping from where he had just forced you to eat shit. "Yeah, maybe I will. And then you'll come crawling back like you always do, you slut," he briefly chuckled, hauling you by your shirt onto his shoulder.

     You lay limp against him, unable to do anything as he carries you to the elevator right outside the penthouse. He pressed something inside, and instantly you both were being rocketed down, and you suddenly felt sicker than you already had; finally, you felt relief as the world slowed and Vox stepped out into the lobby. You scanned the area, catching sight of the multitude of pitiful glances from your coworkers; they all quickly turned the other way, however, when Vox glared around at anyone looking. He passed through the sliding doors at the front of the building, rummaging in his pocket for his keys as he approached his car. He threw the door to the back seats open and tossed you inside, showing no remorse as you landed on your sore tail. He gave you no time to get comfortable before nearly smashing the door against your hooves you hadn't tucked inside yet. Gasping, you crawled away from the door just in time to avoid further injury. Vox cackled as he rounded the car to the driver's seat. Once sat, he turned the car radio to full blast, hurting your sensitive ears. You could see the smirk on his TV from the mirror. Out of nowhere, the car jolted forward and you fell from the seats and smashed your head hard into the driver's seat. He drove recklessly through the streets of Pentagram City, accidentally (or purposefully, it was always hard to tell with Vox) splattering sinners left and right. The smile on his face only grew with each person dead, and you couldn't help but whimper at the bloodshed. When he decided you both were sufficiently far from his tower, the car abruptly stopped, skirting down the road with a loud shrill. You threw your hands up to pull your ears down in an attempt to block the noise, but it didn't help much. Eventually, everything was silent save for Vox, who pulled himself from the car only to come back to tear you out and let you fall from his grasp to the road. You weakly looked up at him, waiting for him to tell you goodbye, something. But it never came, he only gave you a look implying if you didn't return by tomorrow you'd be dead meat. You whined and reached out to him, hoping he was joking, but he stomped your hand into the road, allowing small rocks to pierce your delicate flesh. You cried, tears freefalling now as he turned around to get in the car and leave.

     When he was gone, you were finally able to register the ringing in your ears, and the pain of every injury came flooding into your brain. Fat globs of tears continued to come as you carefully dragged yourself onto the sidewalk. You had to get out of here, you were a vulnerable female demon in heat, and people were in Hell for a reason. Only Lucifer knew what could happen if you let yourself lose consciousness without getting somewhere safe. Gently reaching for the wall of one of the many abandoned buildings nearby, you lifted yourself, managing to barely stand up. You begin to slowly walk, following the lights out of the desolate city.

     When you started to see sinners, panic rushed through your system. You'd have to try to get around them without them noticing, but that would prove harder than you thought since apparently a demon in heat is the strongest smell known to man. Instantly sinners looked over, and you froze like a deer in headlights. Your body, however, flushed with adrenaline and your legs started moving on their own. You gasp as you are catapulted into a full sprint with a hoard of sinners chasing to catch even a whiff of your delectable scent. Your lungs burned, begging you to relent and give yourself up, but your brain urged you to keep going, and the fear of what would happen to you made you inclined to side with it. You rushed forward, running anywhere but here. That was when you spotted a hill to your right, with two ladies coming down and chatting casually. You noticed one of them was fidgeting with an angelic spear in one of her hands, and that was all you needed to know before you zipped past them up the hill and en route to the glowing building at the top. You heard them gasp after being pushed past, but immediately noticed the crowd you had garnered and screamed. The one with the angelic spear swung into the hoard, and most of the demons backed up. Those who hadn't were hastily cleared with the spear. Your adrenaline was waning, and everything caught up with you again. The exhaustion, the pain, the horniness caused by your curse of a body. You barely made out a feminine voice yelling near you before you hit the ground. Your hooves throbbed, your head was pounding, and your eyes closed before bile could rise.

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