My Abusive Boyfriend Wants Me Back

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It continued like that for 3 days.

They couldn't go more than 5 minutes without crawling back to the other. They stayed in Alastor's room the entire time, not even going out for food or water.

Charlie was deeply concerned for you both, she feared it was something she or Vaggie or maybe even Angel said. She had asked Angel on multiple occasions what he meant days prior when he said it "smelt like 2 demons going at it," she truly did not understand and Vaggie, attempting to protect Charlie's innocent soul, refused to elaborate. Angel declined all times, inciting that he did not want to "face the wrath" of whoever was supposedly also fucking. Charlie grew worried enough that she pulled her dad from his room and politely asked him if he could check Alastor's room, considering if Alastor wasn't there and he found out anyone else had gone in his room, he'd kill them; he couldn't kill Lucifer so the safer option was to send him. When Lucifer came back, he vehemently rejected even mentioning anything about Alastor. His face was flushed and he was trembling as he stood. It only made Charlie more scared for Alastor and the new sinner. What had he done? He seemed perfectly fine when he escorted you to your room, what had happened?

Charlie sat slumped over on the bar the next day. Husk knew not to give her a drink considering last time, which had resulted in her making a sober Vaggie salsa on the living room table for 30 minutes straight.

"I just don't get ittt, where is Alastor?! Where is our new guest?!" She groaned, digging her head into the bar. Husk sighed, deciding to not get involved in her shenanigans. Angel swayed over, already pretty drunk for it being the afternoon.

"Sweetheart, he's busy, give 'im time," he mumbled, slamming into a bar chair next to her. She looked up with the best puppy dog eyes she could pull.

"Why can't you just tell meeee," she whined, but Angel shook his head.

"Dollface, I promise, you don't wanna know," he tried to reason.

"Don't want to know what?" Alastor rose from the shadows behind them. Charlie gasped, squealing before jumping up to trap him in a hug. Alastor pressed her back with a finger as she kept trying to propel forward into his arms.

"Al!! Where have you been? I was so worried! What happened to our new guest?! Did you hurt her?? I'll never forgive you!" Charlie nagged. Alastor simply laughed, finally letting Charlie pull him into a hug.

"Relax, my dear, I would never do something of the such! I was merely resting in my room for a while. I haven't the slightest clue where that sinner is, perhaps she took the opportunity to leave while she could!" Charlie pulled back, her face showing she was offended.

"Left while she could?? What do you mean?!" Charlie's eyes let off little tears, "I wanted to help her, how could she leave?" The radio static sputtered to a stop as Alastor suddenly felt accountable for the princess' feelings.

"Charlie, I hadn't meant it as such. I only suggested that she may have taken off in order to escape further torment from her employer," Charlie pouted, falling back into the bar chair.

"But you said you would help!!!" She kicked her feet back and forth like a toddler, and Alastor couldn't help but grimace.

"Indeed I did, but she isn't anywhere to be found, so I do not know what you expect me to do. Now, if you don't mind, I must be on my way. I have business to attend today," Alastor said, hurriedly whisking himself out of the door. He truly had begun to like the princess in their endeavors of building the hotel, but she was unmanageable at times.

"They totally fucked, Al can't hide the glow of a good bang sesh at ALL," Angel giggled. Husk slapped a paw over his face, dragging it down to glance at Charlie. Charlie's eyes were wide, her face glimmering a soft red at even the notion of Alastor being involved in any way with anyone.

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