My Abusive Boyfriend Is In For It Now

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     When Alastor arrived home, he found the lobby empty save for Husk—who was not awake. He joyfully walked through the hotel, making his way upstairs. He was excited to see you after his discovery, finally having a name for the feelings he has for you. The halls of the hotel were pin-drop silent as he traveled up, not a testament to the passion and care behind the workings. Alastor reached the top floor, stopping an uncomfortable pause at the sight of the door to his room hanging open. He sniffed the air; your scent was faint. His smile held up, but inside he was panicked. He rushed into the room, whipping his head around to find you. You were not in sight so he went to check the nest still made on his bed. He took a hesitant breath as he pulled a blanket back. You weren't there either. Inhuman screeching feedback spiked from the microphone as Alastor threw a hand over his chest, attempting to quell the heartbreaking weight he felt. He staggered, nearly falling to the floor from the shock. Where had you gone? Why did you leave? Why would you leave your mate? His ears flew up as he heard a barely audible frequency being emitted from somewhere inside the room. Alastor slowly turned around, seeing the glowing blue mass on the counter. It was your clothes, they were beyond repair so he hadn't tried to fix them. He also didn't want to remind you of that prick, so putting you in his far more appealing suits was his solution. He stumbled toward it, still unstable on his legs from the pain of losing you. His ear flicked, the sound was awful, like something that played in Vox's territory.

Vox's territory..


     He had taken you, why wouldn't he?! How'd he get you out though? His shadows protected the hotel while he was away, he had no shot of getting in without Alastor being notified. That was when he picked up on it, that noise that played tricks on so many people's minds. Not Alastor's, he was too strong to be affected by petty mind tricks, but you weren't. It was that atrocious wave sound, that had been how. Seething rage flooded Alastor's system. He could only see red as his body trembled with desire.

     Desire to fucking kill that man.

     He stormed downstairs, prepared to smash through the front entrance when someone momentarily got in his way.

     "Husker, you will remove yourself from in front of me before I smash your skull in and broadcast your screams for every soul in Hell," Alastor threatened, but Husk was unmoving.

     "I don't know why you're angry, but you're gonna end up biting off more than you can chew if you go out in this state," Husk tried to reason.

"Don't make me say it again, Husk."

"Do it."

     Alastor growled but relinquished.

     "Vox took her back, he used those awful mind-bending sound waves," he sat at the bar. Husk followed, a grim expression covering his face.

     "I thought you didn't care?" Husk asked as he poured himself a glass. Alastor snatched it once it was filled, downing it in one gulp. Husk scoffed, deciding to drink from the bottle instead.

     "You wouldn't understand," Alastor dismissed his question. From the shadows, Niffty skittered up to the bar. She stared deeply at Alastor, her big eye scanning for some sign of emotion from him. "Why are you still up, Darling?"

     Niffty contemplated for a moment.

     "The roaches never sleep, so I mustn't either," she giggled. Alastor briefly laughed before returning to staring aimlessly at the bar.

"Do you love her?" Husk passed Alastor another drink.

"I do," he threw it down his throat.

"And you thought she'd never leave?"

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