My Abusive Boyfriend Manipulates Me

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Alastor fiddled with the edge of his jacket. The crowd into Rosie's Emporium was large and showed no sign of coming down. Yes, he could just push through and request Rosie's time but she seemed so busy, it probably wasn't worth it. Just as he turned around, a voice called for him.

"Oh my! Is that who I think it is? Get in here you!" Rosie shouted over the chatter of the crowd. Alastor smiled, happy to know his friend would always make time for him. He squeezed his way to Rosie, taking a seat at the table off to the side. Rosie excused herself from her customers, sitting across from Alastor and waving a few more people away before speaking.

"It's been a minute since I last saw you! You had me worried sick, Darling!" Rosie poured tea into the cups arranged at the table.

"Yes, I was caught in... a rut and I'm still feeling lost from it," Alastor spoke softly, to prevent the cannibals nearby from hearing. Rosie looked confounded for a moment, deciding to proceed to talk using the more innocent definition of the word.

"Ah, well, I'll try to help ya change whateva's got ya stuck, Sweetie," Rosie promised innocently.

"No, a rut. Not what you're thinking."

Rosie picked up her teacup; she took a considerate gulp.


The chatter of the crowd seemed to get louder.

"Well, that's new," Rosie cleared her throat. Alastor refused to look at her, too trapped in embarrassment to even grasp at what she was imagining.

"Of course, if anything would get me that low, it would be that stupid TV," Alastor growled as he picked up his cup to take a sip of tea while Rosie burst into a laughing fit.

"Oh my! Al, let me get this straight—you're tellin' me ya had sex with him? HA! Oh, praise Lucifer! That is the funniest joke I have heard all day!" Rosie kept her voice quiet to save Alastor's pride. Alastor just about spit his drink out, exasperatedly starting at Rosie.

"Great Satan! No! What?! I would vomit if you wouldn't murder and filet me for ruining your floors!" Alastor's smile fell just slightly, genuinely feeling sick at Rosie's thought process.

"Hm? So then, what do you mean he got you that low?" Rosie inquired. Alastor sighed.

"His assistant," he shamefully covered his eyes with his hand, supporting himself heavily on the armrest of the sofa.

"What do you mean?"

"She crawled to the hotel while smelling like a glorified bakery after her shining armor threw her on the streets."

"I thought you hated sweets?"

"I do."

Alastor raised his head from his hand, taking a deep breath before giving his attention to Rosie.

"I feel unexplainable after we... connected," he explained. Rosie's expression eased down, showing great care.

"How so?" Alastor's face twitched, he didn't know. He had no clue what he was feeling, just that it was uncomfortably light and airy and unbearable.

"I feel inexplicably warm in her company and I've come to crave it. I wish to stop being a prisoner to this sudden infatuation," Alastor clutched his chest. "What is wrong with me, old friend?"

Rosie smiled, leaning over to gently hold the tense hand he had on the table. She lovingly rubbed her thumb over his trembling fingers, getting prepared to deliver the news.

"Alastor, I know you won't like what I have to say," she started. Alastor looked up to meet her eyes, confusion twisting even more. "But, I think you're falling in love."

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