My Abusive Boyfriend Is Infuriated

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     Vox sighed, tilting back in his chair. He hadn't been able to find you on the thousands of cameras he had around the city, and it was starting to get to him. The workload had become rough without you to manage his schedule and sign paperwork meant for him, but no one could replace you because you were the only one who knew the system to get shit done. The only place he didn't have cameras currently hanging around was that stupid hotel as, Lucifer weeded out every one he found while rebuilding the damn thing; however, Vox refused to believe you have been captured by those frilly butterflies and rainbows people. He had put off going to the dry cleaners since you went missing, but he needed that suit for a meeting that day so unfortunately he'd have to haul his ass there.

     He stood from his chair and left the room filled to the brim with monitors. Making his way to the door of his workhouse/penthouse, he jolted from a sudden call incoming; Valentino was ringing him. He groaned but quickly accepted, not wanting to piss Val off this early in the morning.

     "Voxxy~!" He cooed. Vox rolled his eyes but made sure his voice didn't show his annoyance.

     "Val! How goes it?" He asked.

     "Ugh! Terrible! Angel is being more of a bitch than usual and you won't pay attention to meee," Val whined, "I know you're mad your hoe is gone but you've got better things to worry about."

     "Val, she is not just a 'hoe,' she's my fucking assistant. I need her here to do her job... the sex is just a benefit," Vox opened the front door of his penthouse, walking out near the elevators. An employee rushed to him, handing him his suit in a clear garment cover bag. He scurried off as soon as he came when Vox entered the elevator.

     "That sounds like a hoe to me, she should work for me, what do you think? Those heats would make for delicious scenarios. 'Deer sinner gets caught in heat by burly men,' 'Sinner's heats make demons go salvaje on her,' 'Sinner in heat needs a sexy mate to—"

     "Shut the fuck up Val, she belongs to me. I am not letting you defile her with your gross porn stars," Vox growled.

     "Ooh~ someone's feisty today, me encanta," Val chuckled. The elevator dinged; he had reached the bottom floor.

     "What do you want, Val? I'm kind of busy today," he stepped toward the front of the building, digging in his pocket for his car keys.

     "Hmm, I need you to pick something up for me."

     "If it has anything to do with your atrocious fetishes, leave me out of it," pushing the double doors open, Vox made his way outside and to his car. It still looked as beautiful as the day it was made, a gorgeous electric automatic car painted a deep gray with blue detailing.

     "Of cooourse not, I just need some relish."

     Vox paused, his mouth hanging slightly open for a moment as he processed what he just heard.

     "Relish, you say," he repeats, fishing for Val to confirm the statement.


     Vox blinked. He popped the door to his car open, sliding in to take a seat. He placed the suit in the passenger seat and pulled the door closed.

     "Yeah, no. That sounds like some weird fetish thing."

     "Noo! It's not!! I'm having a hotdog party for my employees after they worked tirelessly for 2 days straight on the best porno I've done so far: 'City of gangbangs.' Nearly half of them want relish on their dicks—-DOGS, I mean hotdogs, and my lousy assistant didn't pick any up. So funny how useless mine is yet yours could easily run the tower in your absence, haha.." He explained. Vox wasn't very convinced, but he didn't want to argue any longer.

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