My Abusive Boyfriend Will Not Be Happy

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"Shut. Up." He was barely audible through the graveling static coming from the mic that had been left on the floor. His horns had grown four times their size, and his eyes were black with red irises burning your soul. You couldn't even utter a 'sorry' before his hand was wrapped around your neck. Both your hands came up to attempt to pry his restraining grip, but it was a pipe dream to think you'd ever be able to stop the radio demon. "You should feel lucky, I'd normally squash pests like you, yet you appear to be the only demon who can rescue me from the sin you have put me in," his nose was practically touching yours with how close your faces were, his warm breath tickling your senses. You trembled, your thighs unconsciously rubbing together. The fear you had, while still present, was blown out of the park by the refreshing pleasure of having someone so strong ready to dominate you.

"So," he begins, "Is it a deal?" Stitches glowed green all over his body as he took one of your hands in his free one. Your ears flicked and you couldn't think straight, this was a terrible idea. So why were you considering it? Why did you so badly want to say yes? You knew you were doomed the moment you ran up that hill to this curséd hotel.

"Deal," you whisper, his grin growing wider as smoke fills around the two of you, all the same green.

"Perfect," he chuckled. In a flash, you both apparated elsewhere. It was dark, but you now lay upon a soft silken bed. It seemed to be his private quarters, with a trap door leading up to an unknown place. The radio demon's appearance had come back down to his more normal and—dare you say—more attractive state. Having him so near made you start seeing him completely differently; one might even blame your newfound infatuation with his looks on the hormones. "Now then," he said, his voice low and quickly filling with lust. He carefully released his grasp on your neck, gently stroking over it as if to soothe the bruises that would surely form. You gazed up at him, looking for the meaning behind his sudden kind outpost, yet were caught incredibly off guard when both his hands came down to claw the entirety of your outfit off. You gasped, goosebumps piling on your skin after being subjected to the surprisingly cold room surrounding you. He leaned down, rolling his tongue out as he licked from your belly to your breast. Your breath came out as small puffs of air and your back arched ever so slightly from the feeling.

"Your fear is delectable, Dear Sinner," he came back up to your face, "Such a shame the princess bandaged you, I would have loved a taste of something more.. organic." He smiled big, giving no warning as two large claws were roughly shoved inside your aching pussy. You cry out, feeling your tail desperately swishing underneath you. The radio demon pulled out his fingers just as soon as they entered, opting to flip you onto your stomach before slamming them back in. Spit dribbled from your mouth, you hadn't even a moment to swallow before he had you moaning every second. The sharp points in you tore small cuts in your insides, but you couldn't feel the pain over the delicious pleasure consuming your mind. Slimy tentacles slithered from black portals, multiple coiling around your most sensitive parts. They teased your ears, dragging across the inside slowly, and they attacked your breasts, pinching your nipples with the end of their slippery bodies. Your tail refused to stop wagging, begging for the same treatment the rest of your frame was getting. You couldn't help but whimper when Alastor sweetly stroked the fluffy white bottom, bucking your hips to connect to not only the hand on your tail but the fingers still plunged inside. A deep laugh snuck from his mouth.

"You are so impatient for someone I could easily gut and eat as a light snack," he said. He pulled his claws out, causing you to shiver from the loss. You glanced over your shoulder, barely catching his sensual gaze at you as he tongued your blood and fluids from his claws. You were nearly about to turn your head in embarrassment, but he freed your tail from his hand to swipe it onto your face and hold you in his gaze. He moved closer, smashing his warm cracked lips onto your plush and pillowy ones. He forced your mouth open with his tongue, ramming it down your throat. You could taste the iron of your own blood, the sweetness of your own heat, the desire of Alastor's caution-less throat-fucking. A tentacle rounded your hips, deliberately slipping inside your needy cunt just as you were coming down from the romantical-nature of the kiss. You groaned, rolling your butt back to meet the tentacle with every thrust. Alastor's other hand returned to your quivering tail, stroking from your inner thighs all the way to the furry tip. Your tail and ears faltered, an obvious display of submission for anyone who'd see. The tentacle inside you suddenly rubbed you in just the right place to make your body violently jerk, breaking you away from the magical make-out Alastor had just given you. You couldn't control your moans and your voice broke at multiple points while the tentacle continued to slam into the spot that drove you insane. Tension formed in your belly and your body stiffened from the waves of pleasure you were so close to achieving. You chewed your lip to stop yourself from screaming as you came, ending up biting too hard and drawing blood. Your rear end relaxed into the bed from its tense movements moments prior, and your breathing labored hard. All the tentacles on your body retreated, finally showing the shivers that controlled your system at the time. With gentle hands, Alastor flipped you onto your back, rubbing his claws softly along your stomach. The goosebumps returned, excited by the touch of another.

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