My Abusive Ex-Boyfriend Can't Chain Me Down

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Alastor keeled over, gripping his mouth to stop himself from vomiting up more blood. Somehow the fight had made its way onto the street outside, and all three were fully transformed. The area, including the Vees' tower, was entirely vacated, with not a soul in sight. Alastor had lost so badly—it was unfair. It was slated for him to lose from the beginning, facing two foes when one already rivaled him in power. He had to escape, there was no hope for him to survive if he remained; he so badly wanted to stay, to protect you, but at the rate he was going, you both would end up dead.

"Well, boys, it appears I must end this broadcast—" Alastor attempted to sink into the shadows, but Vox growled before lunging at him.

"Oh no you don't, Fucker!" He yelled, digging his claws into Alastor's arms. Alastor grunted as Vox sent jolts of unpleasant electricity surging through him. He tried once more for a quick getaway, however, Vox tore him out of the ground and flung him into the air. He was launched straight into Valentino, who brutally punched him back into the street. A whimper bubbled in his throat but refused to let Vox or Valentino hear it. He grimaced, staring up at them.

"Go on then, kill me," Alastor muttered, grinning bigger as more deep red poured from his every wound.

"Mmm, gladly~" Valentino moans.

"Is it wrong that I'm hard right now?" Vox chews his lower lip.

"Shit, Cariño, wanna fuck him while he bleeds out?"

"Didn't know that was on the table."

Alastor snarled, scooting away. How humiliating, to die in such a way.

"Hey, don't you run away from me, little fawn~" Vox purred, scraping a claw across Alastor's cheek. He hissed, flinching away from his disgusting hand. "I am going to enjoy every second you are moaning my na—"

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM," Charlie boomed. Valentino and Vox snapped their head and TV around, eyes wide in shock. Charlie was seething with rage, her horns were fully exposed, her blonde hair whipped viciously in the sudden air around her, and her eyes glowed a magnificent red. Vaggie stood right beside her in a less spirited stance, wielding her spear with her pale wings fully extended. Lucifer was not far behind, proudly bearing all six of his wings and gracious horns.

"Shit shit shitshitshitshit—when the FUCK did they get here?" Vox whisper-shouts to Valentino. Alastor weakly chuckles beside them, smile growing wider than they'd seen before.

Charlie charged at both of them, weapon at her side as she screamed. Vox stumbled out of her path, narrowly dodging a scrape to his shoulder; Valentino nearly fell over to avoid her wrath, watching as she slammed into something right beside them. Alastor yelped, coughing up a spat of blood as his eyes shakily directed to Charlie's stake in his shoulder. She gasped, pulling away instantly but it only made more blood spill. Alastor grimaced, shooting Charlie a hurt look, before noticing Vox and Valentino had gotten up and were about to attack. Alastor tried to warn of the onslaught heading her way, but Vaggie and Lucifer flew up to fend them off. Charlie turned to see them defending her, grinning before turning her attention back to Alastor—who had shrunk to his original size. She ripped off parts of her pants and jacket, carefully wrapping them tight about his injuries. Alastor groaned, but didn't resist; without her help, he would have been dead soon anyway. She gives him one last thoughtful glance before jumping high into the air to assist Vaggie. Vaggie had already landed a good couple of blows on Valentino as he had multiple bleeding scratches covering his body and face when Charlie arrived. Charlie went around back, stabbing her trident spear into Valentino's wings. He screeched, giving Vaggie an opening to jab him in the jugular. Thick inky blood squirted from the incision as Valentino fell not so gracefully to the floor. He spasmed into the ground, choking from the blood filling his mouth.

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