My Abusive Boyfriend Hates Radio

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"Oh Hell, what do I do?? She's in terrible shape, Vaggie! We need Alastor but he refuses to come out of his room aughhh!!!" A high female voice broke through your sleepiness. You slowly raised your lids to see who was there. Had Vox come to pick you up? No, he wouldn't. So who was this?

Once your eyes were open, the girls in front of you snapped over to look at you. You flinch but regret it severely as your body erupts in discomfort.

"Oh, no no nonono, don't move! Don't panic, we're here to help!" One of the girls offered you an honest smile, and you carefully relaxed on the couch you were lying on. "My name's Charlie, I own this hotel," she greeted kindly. She glanced over at the other girl, and she sighed.

"I'm Vaggie," she said with little emotion behind her voice, "Wanna tell us why you ran to our hotel with at least a hundred people on your tail?" Her eyebrow raised as she eyed you with resentment. Your face flushed, did they not smell you?

"W-well, I, ah.."

"Vaggie! Don't be so mean to our new guest!" Charlie scolded. "I'm so sorry about her, why don't you tell us your name?" You gratefully smiled at her before telling them your name. Charlie complimented your name, showering you in "that's beautiful!"s and "you must be very happy"s. Vaggie cleared her throat to interrupt the moment, though, and you figured she wanted a real explanation this time.

"My boy—s-sorry, em, my boss left me on the road because I spilled an energy drink on his, um, suit," you mumbled, avoiding both their eyes. Charlie gasped, before shaking in rage, horns sprouting from her head as her eyes decidedly swapped colors.

"He WHAT??" She yelled, forcing your ears to flatten and your eyes to squeeze shut. She noticed immediately, profusely apologizing. Vaggie did not seem impressed though.

"So he dropped you off, and then what? How do you accumulate a hundred people chasing you?" Her frown deepened. You were still a little shaken, they really didn't know?

"Uhm, well—he, uh, he, no.. Ah, I'm in heat," you stuttered through your words, embarrassed that you had to say that aloud. Your ears dropped with your emotions, and a look of pure bafflement was left clean on their faces.

"Oh, my, Hell. I am so sorry, I hope Vaggie wasn't too insensitive! Do you need anything? Can I do anything to make it easier for you??" Charlie tried her best to be accommodating but you are 100% sure that she didn't know how not innocent her questions were. Your cheeks burned as you turned away from her. That was when you caught it, you had been so distracted that you hadn't been able to tell before, but it was clear to you now. There was another deer here. You sprung off of the couch, stumbling to the door. The girls gasped, and Vaggie quickly caged you in with angelic knives and her spear. You whimper and shrink in on yourself on the floor. Moving was a really bad decision, but you had to leave. Now. There was only one deer in all of Hell who could smell so powerful, and Vox would NOT be pleased if he found out you came into contact with him.

"P-please, you have to let me go! He's gonna be so pissed if he finds out I was even in the presence of the ra—"

"Oh, so I take it you are one of Vox's thralls?" A smooth and dastardly charming voice questions behind you. Your entire body freezes, you feel your heart drop to your stomach and suddenly it feels a million times harder to breathe. The dread across your face is extremely evident to Vaggie, as her eyes widen in shock at your despaired expression. "You look to be in horrible condition, surely you must stay a little more," his voice had a hint of laughter in it. This was torture, he knew what he was doing and he knew this would get you in so much trouble. Your body trembled when the static in the room became ever so slightly louder.

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