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It was a cool, dark evening, and Tyler Smith was on an aimless stroll through the forest to clear his head. He had gotten quite well known in his old university for coming up with some quite...well, bonkers theories...

As he wandered further through the dark and desolate forest, Tyler noticed a strange, ominous and intriguing cyan glow coming from in the trees. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he walked towards it.

He eventually found his way to the source of the glowing, and he was certainly intrigued. It looked like something straight out of one of those science-fiction comics he read when he was in secondary school. Cautiously, Tyler walked further towards it, and it became clear that it was some kind of spacecraft that had crashed. The most peculiar thing he found, however, was this...strange animal. It looked mostly like some sort of big cat, yet it had a beak like a bird, three eyes, bright green fur and it was wearing what looked quite like some kind of army uniform.

"You... You're a brand-new species...!" gasped Tyler, "Big cat..."

Putting his curiosity before his safety, Tyler slowly approached the strange thing. He stared at it, his mouth wide open with surprise and perplexity.

"You're like...an alien...!" he said, still staring at the creature.

Surprisingly, the strange creature didn't react to Tyler at all. It just carried on sitting there, scratching the back of its ear. All of a sudden, it spat at the floor, right next to Tyler's shoe. It was a bright, neon green, and it almost seemed to glow...

"This can't be real..." cried Tyler.

He quickly got his camera out of his bag and took pictures of: the neon green spit, the unusual organism and the battered spacecraft. Almost exploding with excitement, Tyler ran back through the forest, right back where he came.

He dashed through the dark, empty and lonely landscape, hitting branches out of his way and jumping over rocks. He ran until the cyan glow was completely out of sight.

"I'm going to be a sensation...!" he giggled to himself.

He eventually got out of the forest and into the car park. He practically jumped into his car before driving back home. Excited but not wanting to make too much noise, he crept quickly but quietly through the corridors before he reached his bedroom. He dialed up the phone number he heard every morning on his good old touch-tone telephone.

"Hello. You've reached your local AM radio station."

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