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Tyler swallowed his excitement for fear of looking silly. He then spoke up.

"Um.. Hello! Yes, um, I'm calling because I found something incredibly strange. I think it's time you knew the...awful truth." he said.

"And...what might this be?" questioned the lady on the other end.

"I found what seems to be some sort of crashed spacecraft. Exactly like something from a sci-fi comic. And I think I may have found a new species of some sort...!"

"Uh-huh... And can you describe this new species you claim to have found?"

"Yes! It was like a lion, but it also had a beak, like a bird! It had three eyes, and it's fur was bright green!" cried Tyler, "And...and its spit was neon green and glowing!"

"That's ridiculous."

"No! It's real! I think it could have even been an alien!"


"I even have pictures to prove it...!" snapped Tyler.

"Sorry, but we don't put...stories...on our station."

"No! Wait-!"

The lady hung up.

Touch-Tone TelephoneWhere stories live. Discover now