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Tyler just stood there for a moment, his teary eyes twitching. He began to breathe heavily...


He used every single bit of power in his voice and shouted all his feelings out. Filled with fury and despair, he slammed the phone down and screamed. He then curled up in bed, crying like a little boy.

"Why...why d-does ...no..nobody... l-listen to m-me...?" he sobbed.

A few hours of crying later, Tyler regained his composure and went to get ready for bed.

"I'll try again tommorow," he told himself as he sat up in bed.

He then turned off the light and went to sleep. Unsurprisingly, his dreams were filled with spaceships, stars, galaxies, and strange, alien cat-like creatures...

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

Tyler's dream began to fade into a nightmare, as he was violently attacked by the strange cat-like aliens and dragged onto a spaceship, screaming and crying.

"LET ME GO!" he bellowed.

He screamed and cried, but to no avail. The creatures just got to the complex and strange controls of the ship.

"If that stupid lady had just listened to me none of this would have happened...!"

He kicked and screamed as the spaceship was rapidly flown through the infinite reaches of space. Overwhelmed and nervous, he felt as if he was going to be sick any moment. His head began to spin like a carousel. Feeling utterly helpless, he gave up on crying for help, and just curled up and wept bitterly.

All of a sudden, he heard a huge crash, and a loud alarm went off on the ship...


Tyler practically jumped up in fear, and looked around. The whole ship was shaking and it felt like it was going down...


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