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Out of pure shock, Tyler audibly gasped. This comic... It featured the exact same creatures he had found, and the storyline of the comic was almost the exact same story of Tyler's nightmare.

"Surely it's just a coincidence...but..."

He began to speak to himself, but he couldn't quite organise his thoughts right. He closed the comic and began to organize his endless drawers of comics, humming to himself, feeling mostly excited, but also a bit concerned. He really couldn't believe that what had happened the past couple of days was real.

After he had finally finished tidying, he just couldn't resist it anymore. He went to his phone and frantically dialed the number of the AM radio station. He had to wait a good five minutes before anyone picked up...

"Hello, this is your local AM radio. How can I help you?"

Tyler took a deep breath, and began to speak.

"Hello, yes... It's me, Tyler Smith. Did you get my email?"

"Oh..." The lady on the other end rolled her eyes. "Yes... I did... Very good props, Tyler."

Tyler held back a gasp, and raised his voice slightly.

"They're NOT props! They were right in front of me! The pictures are real! I'm telling you!"

The lady just laughed. Tyler began to yell.

"I'm... I'm an expert! I'm the one! I'm the only one! You don't understand!"

"Tyler Smith. You have either read WAY too many sci-fi comics, or you've just got mental issues. Give up!"

The lady laughed, and then put the phone down.

"No! Wait-!"

Tyler was devastated. He slowly put the phone down, and took a deep breath.

"But... I'm the one who was right all along..."

He stared at the phone for a few moments.

"I guess... It's better to be laughed at...than wrong."

He carried on calling them for a few weeks, but every time they just laughed at him. He eventually began to want to give up. One morning, he decided that this was the last time. He dialed up the number...

"Is this Tyler Smith again?"

He nodded frantically

"Yes! Yes, it's me! I know I sound mad with my theories, but just... please give me a chance! You see, there are ancient aliens...and UFOlogy, it's all real, and..."

He couldn't even finish what he was saying before he was cut off by the sound of laughter.

"Tyler Smith, I honestly don't know whether to laugh or be seriously concerned about your mental health. If you call this station again, we will have to take serious action. Understand?"

Tyler was close to tears.

"But I..." He sighed, realising he had lost. "Yes. I understand..."

They hung up on him.

Touch-Tone TelephoneWhere stories live. Discover now