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Tyler faintly heard Emily ringing her phone. He chuckled sadly at the sound. Then, he decided to just give up, and began walking home. He even started doubting himself. Maybe he had been seeing things. He couldn't even be sure if maybe he had been dreaming from the very moment he first saw those odd creatures.

When Tyler got home, he just laid in bed, unsure even of what to think. What if he had been seeing things? What if he had been dreaming this whole time? How could he even know what was real and what wasn't anymore? The events of these past weeks had been so tiring, and Tyler soon drifted off to sleep...


00:15am, the next morning...

Tyler blinked a few times, and then woke up. He looked around for a few moments and...he definitely wasn't in his house anymore. He was in an empty, unfamiliar room, with all white walls and no visible door. He tried to sit up, but he seemed to be strapped into the bed he he was in. He looked up, and his mother was there, with some kind of doctor beside her.

"Where... Where am I!?" asked Tyler, panicking.

His mother sighed and looked at him, trembling.

"Tyler, dear...you're in an...institution."


The End...?

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