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Emily stared at Tyler, a look of pure concern and dissaproval.

"You don't...seriously believe this is real, do you?" she chuckled awkwardly, trying to still sound friendly.

"What?" answered Tyler, "No, I don't believe that it's real! It IS! I saw it myself!"

Emily laughed nervously.

"And...what substances had you consumed prior to seeing these things?" she asked, half-joking.

"Excuse you!?" snapped Tyler, "You know damn well I don't do any of that sort of stuff! I saw it! I'm certain!"

Emily began to tremble.

"...get out of my house." she told him.

"Wha...what?" gasped Tyler, "Emily, you...you're my best friend! Don't you...believe me?"

"To be honest, I really don't... Get out."  Emily said, firmly.

"But...don't you understand? I'm... I'm a genius!" protested Tyler, but he still began to pack his bag.

"Yeah, yeah, okay, whatever...you..freak." sighed Emily.

Almost as soon as Tyler had finishes with his bag, Emily gently put an arm around him and pushed him to the door, flinging it open and pushing him out.

"Emily, wait! Please!" he pleaded.

"I don't know who you are..." began Emily, stood at the door, staring at him, "but you're not Tyler. Tyler is odd...but...he's not mentally ill."

"EMILY-!" shouted Tyler, but she shut the door before he could finish.

Tyler stood there, frozen in shock. Mentally ill? He always knew it would be hard to get people to believe him...but...he never thought he would ever get accused of being mentally ill...

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