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Tyler put the phone down, and just stood there for a few moments, tears in his eyes. He even began to doubt himself, thinking that maybe he had been seeing things or something like that. He was filled with confusion, doubt, disappointment, misery, fear and insecurity.

For the next few weeks, Tyler completely forgot about it, and tried to carry on living as if he hadn't seen anything at all. However, it soon got to him, and one day, he found himself pacing around near his phone. He knew that he could get into a lot of trouble for calling them again, but...maybe they would really listen this time? Although he had always been a little bit crazy, Tyler knew all too well how ridiculous he sounded.

Time crawled along as Tyler sat in front of his telephone, rapidly tapping his fingers on the desk and trembling like a madman. Filled to the brim with anxiety, he dialed the radio station again...


No answer. Tyler was confused, and he called again.


No answer. Tyler started to realize that he was being ignored. He started to chuckle. Then he started to laugh. Not a nice, funny laugh...no...he was laughing like a total maniac. Then, he threw the telephone on the floor, completely smashing it.

After he had calmed down, Tyler decided to tell his friends instead. He got dressed, and then went upstairs and got his bag, packing his camera, and the comic that exactly matched his dream about the unidentified creatures he found. Then, he ran out of the door and walked down the street to his friend Emily's house.

Emily wasn't really much like Tyler. She was...relatively 'normal'. Even so, she was always friendly and did always listen to Tyler's rants and raves about his comics. She was truly a kind heart-hearted soul.

Tyler arrived at Emily's door, and slowly pressed the doorbell. His hands were shaking, and he felt as if he was going to jump out of his skin. Emily opened the door, and smiled warmly when she saw her friend.

"Oh, hi, Tyler! I wasn't expecting to see you today. What brings you here?" she asked, her beautiful smile spreading across her face.

"Yeah, um, hey, Emily... I need to tell you something. Now. In private." replied Tyler, feeling both anxious and excited.

Emily's smile faded into a look of concern.

"Oh. Okay. Please, come in!"

Tyler walked in, and immediately talked for about ten minutes about what he had found, and he showed her every single picture and every page of the comic he read...

Touch-Tone TelephoneWhere stories live. Discover now