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Soobin is hot

bamgyuuuu: tf is the name

kai.hueningkamal: GOOD MORNING

page.soobin: thanks junnie ur hot too

yawnzzn: thanks

bamgyuuuu: my eyes

kai.hueningkamal: me too

bamgyuuuu: where's taehyun? :(

yawnzzn: he probably sleeping

bamgyuuuu: but its 9am...

page.soobin: he will wake up soon

bamgyuuuu: ill be waiting

bamgyuuuu is offline.

bamgyuuuu & terrancekang's private chat

bamgyuuuu: are u home yet?
Sent 11:59pm

bamgyuuuu: hello??
Sent 12:30am

bamgyuuuu: talk to me i miss u
Sent 1:24am

bamgyuuuu: taehyun?
Sent 2:00am

bamgyuuuu: good morning taehyun pls reply
Sent 9:05am

Beomgyu set his phone down, feeling a sense of unease creeping in as he realized the time. Taehyun, who was usually an early riser, was nowhere to be seen even though it was already nine in the morning. Thoughts raced through Beomgyu's mind - had something happened to Taehyun? How exhausted was he from the previous night? The idea of Taehyun being kidnapped sent a shiver down Beomgyu's spine, making him worry even more.

Despite his growing concern, Beomgyu couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness. He wished he knew where Taehyun lived so he could go and check up on him, but unfortunately, he didn't have that information. Instead, he tried to distract himself by playing games while waiting for Taehyun to reply, hoping that his friend was safe and sound. The minutes felt like hours as Beomgyu anxiously waited for any sign of Taehyun.

Soobin is hot

yawnzzn: beomgyu did not just go offline to wait for taehyun..

page.soobin: he just did...

kai.hueningkamal: hes a bigger simp than you both

yawnzzn: nah honestly, if soobin didnt reply i would go to his house and check

kai.hueningkamal: u know where he lives?

page.soobin: we slept together yesterday

kai.hueningkamal: WHAT

yawnzzn: yeah no big deal

kai.hueningkamal: DID U GUYS PROTECTION

page.soobin: WE DIDNT HAVE SEX

kai.hueningkamal: oh

yawnzzn: we just slept together.. you know.. hehe

page.soobin: yeonjun is blushing rn

yawnzzn: u are too

kai.hueningkamal: both of u simp for each other i get it

yawnzzn: YEAh and next month Soobin is officially my boyfriend

kai.hueningkamal: u guys aren't dating yet?

page.soobin: not yet, i want to get to know him more

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