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I love peas

yawnzzn: peas are delicious

bamgyuuuu: better than tomatoes at least

yawnzzn: peas the best!

page.soobin: yeonjunnie would you be the pea to my pod?

yawnzzn: is this a marriage proposal ?

page.soobin: no but soon

yawnzzn: cant wait!

bamgyuuuu: @terrancekang can you be my baby?

terrancekang: wha-

kai.hueningkamal: why do i have to be single

bamgyuuuu: shush

bamgyuuuu: since ur so tiny and cute, u deserve to be my baby

terrancekang: but im your boyfriend

bamgyuuuu: u can be my baby and boyfriend :D

terrancekang: sure

kai.hueningkamal: since when was taehyun like this?

bamgyuuuu: hes always like a lil baby wdym

terrancekang: stop ur embarrassing me

bamgyuuuu: cuz ur so cute

terrancekang: thx

yawnzzn: soobin is the cutest

page.soobin: now yeonjun is

kai.hueningkamal: it's actually me

bamgyuuuu: taehyun is the cutest, then hyuka

page.soobin: what about us

bamgyuuuu: you guys are first

yawnzzn: yay

bamgyuuuu: for the ugliest

page.soobin: I'm going to beat ur ass

bamgyuuuu: I don't have an ass

yawnzzn: ill kick ur dick

bamgyuuuu: I need my dick to fuck taehyun

yawnzzn: WOW CALM DOWN

bamgyuuuu: its the truth?

terrancekang: 🤭

page.soobin: both of u are horny

kai.hueningkamal: u guys fucked

yawnzzn: that's different

bamgyuuuu: anyways wanna meet up?

yawnzzn: who would want to meet someone ugly like you

bamgyuuuu: my boyfriend

yawnzzn: 😒

terrancekang: huh

bamgyuuuu: wanna meet with all five of us?

page.soobin: when

kai.hueningkamal: now

bamgyuuuu: sure I'm free now

bamgyuuuu: baby are you?

terrancekang: yeah

bamgyuuuu: ill pick you up

terrancekang: okay

yawnzzn: my house

yawnzzn: 343 Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

page.soobin: ill come now

kai.hueningkamal: ill bring snacks and tobin and my other molangs

bamgyuuuu: ill bring taehyun

yawnzzn: see u guys

yawnzzn is offline.

page.soobin is offline.

bamgyuuuu is offline.

terrancekang is offline.

kai.hueningkamal is offline.

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