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Upon entering Yeonjun's house, Taehyun and Beomgyu were greeted with an unexpected sight. Yeonjun and Soobin were engaged in an intimate moment, while HueningKai seemed engrossed in his phone. Beomgyu, feeling slightly uncomfortable watching them eat each other, cleared his throat to grab their attention. The sudden interruption caused Yeonjun and Soobin to abruptly stop and turn their gaze towards Beomgyu and Taehyun, their expressions filled with surprise and astonishment. Meanwhile, HueningKai, witnessing the whole scene, couldn't help but burst into laughter. Taehyun, catching onto the humorous atmosphere, couldn't suppress a small giggle himself.

"Stop eating each other"

Yeonjun chuckled and walked over to embrace Taehyun, playfully tapping Beomgyu's head. Taehyun returned the hug, appreciating the comforting warmth that Yeonjun exuded. Beomgyu and Soobin couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at how tight-knit the bond between Yeonjun and Taehyun was becoming.

HueningKai and Soobin joined in, wrapping their arms around Taehyun and Beomgyu in a group hug. They all settled down on a cozy rug arranged in a circle, surrounded by an array of snacks and games spread out on the floor. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy as they enjoyed each other's company.

"Lets get to know each other more first"

"How about a game of truth or dare?"

"I'm down"

"Who start?"

"Maknae start"

"Okay! So, Yeonjun truth or dare?"


"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Soobin!"

Yeonjun's gaze met Soobin's, only to find a mischievous smirk playing on Soobin's lips. The air between them suddenly felt charged with anticipation as Soobin leaned in, clearly signaling his intentions. Yeonjun, taken aback by the sudden boldness, couldn't help but gulp nervously as he realized what Soobin had in mind.

"Lets go lovebirds"

"Shut up Beomgyu"

Yeonjun and Soobin rose from their seats and made their way towards the closet, a small space that couldn't accommodate much movement. The atmosphere was charged with a palpable sexual tension as they stepped inside, with HueningKai swiftly securing the door behind them. Meanwhile, Beomgyu took out his phone and set a timer for seven minutes, adding an element of suspense to their clandestine meeting.

Yeonjun's gaze was fixed on Soobin as Soobin casually wrapped his arm around Yeonjun's waist. Yeonjun's stomach rose and fell rhythmically with each breath he took, a clear sign of his nervousness in the presence of Soobin. It was a feeling he had never experienced before with Soobin, perhaps due to the unexpected roughness that Soobin displayed in bed.

Soobin inched his way towards Yeonjun, drawing closer until their lips met in a passionate kiss. Yeonjun responded eagerly, reciprocating the kiss as he enveloped Soobin in his embrace, his arms encircling Soobin's neck. Meanwhile, Soobin held onto Yeonjun's waist and gently squeezed his backside. The intensity of the moment heightened as Soobin playfully nibbled on Yeonjun's lower lip, prompting Yeonjun to part his lips slightly and release a soft, involuntary moan.

As the kiss deepened, Soobin boldly slipped his tongue into Yeonjun's mouth, initiating a sensual exploration that sent shivers down Yeonjun's spine. Yeonjun, caught up in the moment, allowed Soobin to delve deeper, their tongues dancing in a tantalizing rhythm. The intimate connection between them grew stronger with each passing second, their bodies pressed closely together as they lost themselves in the intoxicating exchange of passion and desire.

As Soobin was on the verge of teasing Yeonjun, a sudden loud alarm caught their attention. The closet door swung open, revealing Beomgyu, Taehyun, and HueningKai with surprised expressions on their faces. It seemed that they had completely forgotten about their game in the closet, engrossed in their own make out session.

Startled by the noise, Soobin released his grip on Yeonjun's hip, while Yeonjun hurriedly made his way out of the closet, feeling too embarrassed to face anyone. The unexpected interruption had disrupted their playful banter, leaving an awkward atmosphere in the room.

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