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As HueningKai entered the cafe, his eyes immediately landed on a girl who stood out from the rest. She had a distinct aura about her that made her seem like she belonged to a special group. Her features were strikingly beautiful, and it was evident that she took great care in her appearance. HueningKai couldn't help but feel drawn to her as he made his way towards her table.

Approaching the girl with confidence, HueningKai introduced himself in a polite manner. He was intrigued by her uniqueness and wanted to get to know her better. The girl smiled warmly in response, and the two of them engaged in a pleasant conversation. It was clear that there was a spark between them, and HueningKai was eager to learn more about this intriguing girl who had caught his attention in the cafe.

"Hey! I'm HueningKai"

"Oh hi, are you the one Soobin told me about?"

"Yes, that's me"

HueningKai settled into a chair facing MOA, engaging in a conversation about their interests and family backgrounds. During their interaction, HueningKai couldn't help but admire MOA's remarkable qualities, such as her kindness and strong work ethic. He found her to be an amazing individual with a genuine heart.

MOA shared with HueningKai that she actively assists her family in running the quaint bakery owned by her mother. In addition to her responsibilities at the bakery, she also spends time working at cafes. MOA mentioned that her younger brother, Sunoo, was equally hardworking, showcasing a strong work ethic within their family. The conversation between HueningKai and MOA provided insight into their lives and the values they hold dear.

Following their date, they decided to swap contact information before parting ways.


bamgyuuuu: right i agree

page.soobin: junnie ur weird but its cute

yawnzzn: im not joking u guys should try it

kai.hueningkamal: IM BACK

page.soobin: how was the date?


terrancekang: everyone in this group is almost taken now

bamgyuuuu: lmao and who was ur date Kai?

kai.hueningkamal: Soobin set me up with MOA

yawnzzn: ohhh her, she's so nice

kai.hueningkamal: u know her?

yawnzzn: yeah soobin told me about her once

kai.hueningkamal: thank god u like soobin or else i would've have beaten u up for taking MY girl

bamgyuuuu: u guys aren't even dating yet

terrancekang: babe let him be delusional

kai.hueningkamal: I AM NOT DELULU

page.soobin: whatever floats ur boat

kai.hueningkamal & momentofalwaysness's private chat

momentofalwaysness: today was fun :)

kai.hueningkamal: yeah we should hang out more

momentofalwaysness: sure! how about next week?

kai.hueningkamal: next week it is. see you

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