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Beomgyu and Taehyun arrived at Beomgyu's residence as Taehyun expressed his desire to stay the night with Beomgyu. Throughout the evening, Taehyun continued to show affection by cuddling Beomgyu, who found his gestures endearing. It was evident that Beomgyu cherished his relationship with Taehyun, as he openly expressed his love for his boyfriend.



"I want to make love with you.."

Beomgyu's eyes widened as he directed his attention towards Taehyun, clearly taken aback by what he had just heard. Was it possible that his ears were playing tricks on him?

"Are you absolutely certain?"


"Darling, I genuinely don't want to cause any discomfort for you."

"It's perfectly fine."

"Are you positive about that?"


Taehyun remained seated on the bed, his presence calm and composed, as he observed Beomgyu's every move. With a deliberate slowness, Beomgyu began to remove his clothing, each article falling to the ground with a hushed whisper. Taehyun's gaze remained fixed, his eyes tracing every contour of Beomgyu's body, captivated by the unfolding scene before him. The room was filled with a palpable tension, as the silence enveloped them, allowing their unspoken desires to hang in the air.

Beomgyu approached Taehyun, his gaze fixed on his physique, carefully observing him. Taehyun's appearance was undeniably attractive, leaving Beomgyu unable to resist admiring him. As Beomgyu continued to assess Taehyun, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of desire. Taehyun, on the other hand, felt a certain vulnerability whenever he found himself in close proximity to Beomgyu.

Beomgyu's fingers gently traced the outline of Taehyun's face, his touch feather-light yet electrifying. Taehyun's breath hitched as he leaned into the caress, his heart pounding in his chest. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own world. Their lips met in a tender kiss, a mixture of longing and passion intertwining. Time stood still as they explored each other's mouths, their tongues dancing in a sensual rhythm.

Slowly, Beomgyu's hands trailed down Taehyun's body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Taehyun's skin tingled under his touch, his body craving more. Beomgyu's fingers found their way to the hem of Taehyun's chest, teasingly inching it up. Taehyun's breath hitched in anticipation as Beomgyu's hands roamed over his bare skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their desire for each other growing with every touch. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the intoxicating connection they shared.

Beomgyu was seen gently running his fingers through Taehyun's hair, a gesture that showed a sense of intimacy and care between the two boyfriends. The way Beomgyu's fingers moved through Taehyun's hair indicated a level of comfort and closeness that was evident in their relationship. The action seemed to be a natural and soothing gesture, reflecting the bond they shared as members of the same group.

Beomgyu's fingers delicately traced the contours of Taehyun's face, highlighting the tenderness and affection he felt towards his bandmate. The touch was gentle yet meaningful, conveying a sense of connection and understanding between the two individuals. The way Beomgyu's fingers lingered on Taehyun's features suggested a deep sense of familiarity and fondness that existed between them.

As Beomgyu continued to run his fingers along Taehyun's arm, there was a sense of comfort and ease that radiated between the two friends. The simple act of physical touch spoke volumes about the trust and camaraderie that Beomgyu and Taehyun shared, showcasing a bond that went beyond mere friendship. The way Beomgyu's fingers moved along Taehyun's arm reflected a sense of closeness and solidarity that was evident in their interactions.

Beomgyu removed his shirt, revealing his toned physique as he gazed at Taehyun with desire in his eyes.

"Raw or no?"

"Raw please"

Taehyun whimpered softly, feeling a growing sense of desire and longing. His body craved Beomgyu's touch, yearning for a passionate and intense connection. He desired to experience the raw intensity of being taken by Beomgyu, to explore new sensations and emotions.

"Prep or no prep?"

"Uhhhh... no prep?"

Beomgyu swiftly removed his pants and boxers, revealing his erect and sizable member to Taehyun. Taehyun's breath caught in his throat, taken aback by the sight. A mischievous smirk played on Beomgyu's lips as he positioned himself, aligning his shaft with Taehyun's entrance. With a sense of urgency, he penetrated Taehyun, allowing a few moments for them to adjust before initiating a rhythmic thrusting motion. Taehyun couldn't help but release a loud moan, feeling the mixture of pleasure and pain as Beomgyu filled him completely. Encouraged by Taehyun's response, Beomgyu increased the pace of his thrusts, intensifying their shared pleasure.

"Please Beom..."

"Please what?"

"Faster and harder"

Beomgyu increased the intensity and speed of his thrusts, becoming more forceful and assertive as he explored every inch of Taehyun's innermost depths. The sound of Taehyun's passionate moans filled the air, echoing the pleasure that coursed through his body.

"H-hyung! R-right there"

Beomgyu continued to push and push, feeling Taehyun's body tense around him. He could sense that Taehyun was on the brink of climax, just as he himself was. The intensity of the moment heightened as they both neared the peak of their shared pleasure.

"H-hyung I feel something"

"Don't worry babe, release it"

Taehyun ejaculated onto Beomgyu's stomach as Beomgyu climaxed inside of Taehyun. Both of them were breathing heavily, exhausted from their passionate encounter. After a moment, Beomgyu gazed at Taehyun and flashed a content smile.

"I love you"

"Love you too"

Beomgyu's attention was quickly drawn to the sheets as he noticed a deepening shade of red spreading across them. A sense of panic washed over him, causing his heart to race. Thoughts raced through his mind, questioning if he had made a mistake or done something terribly wrong. The uncertainty and fear consumed him, leaving him feeling helpless and anxious.

The sight of the sheets turning a vivid red caught Beomgyu's eye, instantly triggering a wave of panic within him. Doubt and worry flooded his mind as he questioned his actions, wondering if he had unintentionally caused this alarming change. In the midst of his distress, Taehyun noticed Beomgyu's distress and quickly stepped in to offer reassurance and comfort, assuring him that everything would be alright.

"Hyung its my first time, of course I'm going to bleed"

Beomgyu let out a sigh of relief as he carefully lifted Taehyun in a bridal carry, making his way towards the bathroom.

"Let's get you cleaned up"

Beomgyu chuckled as he turned on the faucet, filling the bathtub with warm water. Carefully, he poured soap into the tub, creating a mountain of bubbles. Taehyun's eyes lit up with delight as he played with the bubbles, his laughter filling the bathroom. It was a heartwarming sight to witness their playful and affectionate bond.

Leaving Taehyun to enjoy his bubbly adventure, Beomgyu stepped out of the bathroom to remove the bed sheets and placed them in the washing machine. Once done, he returned to the bathroom and joined Taehyun in the bathtub, their bodies immersed in the soothing warmth of the water.

After their refreshing bath, the two of them made their way to the cozy guest room. They snuggled up together, finding comfort in each other's embrace as they drifted off to sleep. Taehyun felt a deep sense of happiness, knowing that he had given his heart to Beomgyu, his one and only love.

The fact that this is chapter 22 and taehyun is 22 years old LMAOOOO pls enjoy u thirsty people

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