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Beomgyu found himself wide awake, his gaze fixated on Taehyun who lay peacefully in his embrace, fast asleep and holding onto him tightly. Beomgyu couldn't help but feel incredibly fortunate to have someone as angelic as Taehyun in his life. He silently admired every detail of Taehyun's face; the delicate lashes, the slight furrow in his eyebrows, and the gentle snores that escaped his slightly parted lips.

Beomgyu smiled and caressed Taehyuns hair as he sleeps on Beomgyus chest. Beomgyu was playing on his phone while playing with Taehyuns hair. Soon he got a notification from the group chat.

The Gays

kai.hueningkamal: hows everyone?

Yeonjun awoke to find himself lying naked on top of Soobin, who was peacefully asleep beside him. As he gazed at Soobin's serene face, memories of the previous night's events flooded back to him. Slowly and carefully, Yeonjun untangled himself from Soobin's embrace and rose from the bed, feeling a mix of contentment and slight discomfort. He decided it was time to freshen up, so he made his way to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed for the day.

However, just as Yeonjun was about to step out of bed, a sudden sharp pain shot through his back, causing him to lose his balance and stumble onto the floor with a loud thud. The unexpected noise startled Soobin awake, and he quickly sat up, his eyes widening in surprise as he took in the sight of a naked Yeonjun sprawled on the floor. Concern etched on his face, Soobin hurriedly got out of bed and rushed over to help Yeonjun, offering a hand to assist him in getting back on his feet.

"You okay baby?"

With a shy nod, Yeonjun hurriedly rose from his seat and made a beeline for the bathroom. Despite the pain coursing through his body, he mustered the strength to reach his destination. Soobin observed his actions and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. As Yeonjun swiftly dressed himself, ready to knock on the bathroom door, he was interrupted by a series of notifications flooding in from the group chat.

The Gays

kai.hueningkamal: hows everyone?

bamgyuuuu: good, taehyuns sleeping

kai.hueningkamal: cuteeee

bamgyuuuu: back off you have moa

kai.hueningkamal: I prefer my plushies

page.soobin: guess what

bamgyuuuu: what

page.soobin: I fucked yeonjun

kai.hueningkamal: ew

bamgyuuuu: right ew

page.soobin: beomgyu ur as horny as me stfu

bamgyuuuu: ur right

kai.hueningkamal: double ew

bamgyuuuu: but ill wait till he's ready

page.soobin: that's cute

kai.hueningkamal: true

bamgyuuuu: wait gtg taehyuns waking up

Beomgyu put his phone away as he felt Taehyun stirring. He smiled at the sight. Taehyun was like a little kitty. Taehyun rubbed his eyes and let out a small yawn before opening his eyes to see Beomgyu look at him with so much love. Taehyun looked away with a shy smile. Beomgyu chuckled and lifted Taehyun putting him on his lap.

"Good morning baby"

"Good morning..."

"How was your sleep?"

"It was good"

"Thats great. Go get ready, I'll make breakfast"

Taehyun acknowledged Beomgyu's affectionate gesture and gracefully rose from his lap, heading towards the bathroom to freshen up. Beomgyu, overwhelmed with love, couldn't help but feel an immense sense of joy.

With a heart full of happiness, Beomgyu promptly got out of bed and prepared a delicious breakfast of eggs and bacon for both himself and Taehyun to enjoy together.

Taehyun hummed a tune while enjoying his shower, and once he finished, he reached for a towel to dry himself off. However, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten to bring any of Beomgyu's clothes into the bathroom. In order to cover his lower body, he swiftly wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom.

As Taehyun emerged, Beomgyu couldn't help but notice his upper body on full display. He was taken aback by the sight of Taehyun's incredibly slim waist and well-defined abs. It was as if Taehyun possessed the epitome of physical perfection, with a flawless body and an equally flawless face.

While Taehyun was in the midst of selecting his clothes, he couldn't shake off the feeling of someone's intense gaze fixed upon him. Curiosity got the better of him, and he turned his head to find Beomgyu staring at him intently while cooking. Realizing that the egg he was cooking had burnt due to his distraction, Beomgyu remained oblivious to his culinary mishap as his attention remained fixated on Taehyun.



"The egg.."

Beomgyu shifted his gaze away from Taehyun and directed it towards the charred black egg sitting in front of him. The once promising breakfast item now lay ruined, a stark reminder of the unfortunate turn of events that had unfolded in the kitchen.

"Shit" Beomgyu swiftly extinguished the flames and promptly proceeded to douse the egg with water. Meanwhile, Taehyun chuckled and made his way back to the bathroom to change his attire.

Taehyun emerged from the bathroom, clad in Beomgyu's oversized attire. As he made his way into the room, his gaze fell upon the table, where two eggs lay burnt to a crisp, accompanied by a small portion of bacon that had managed to escape the same fate. Beomgyu, perplexed, absentmindedly scratched his head in confusion. However, the atmosphere quickly lightened as Taehyun let out a soft chuckle, and the two boyfriends proceeded to enjoy their breakfast in a serene silence, savoring each bite with contentment.

After completing their bathroom routines, Yeonjun and Soobin settled into bed, finding comfort in each other's embrace. Their appetites were nonexistent, having indulged in a hearty meal earlier at Yeonjun's residence.

"Soobin-ah I love you"

"Love you too baby"

They exchanged a gentle embrace, their lips meeting in a tender and affectionate kiss that conveyed their deep feelings for each other. The moment was filled with warmth and intimacy, as they expressed their love through this simple yet meaningful gesture. The softness of their touch and the sincerity in their eyes spoke volumes about the bond they shared, creating a beautiful and unforgettable memory between them.

Final examssss I hope I don't fail

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