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Upon stepping into Beomgyu's residence, Taehyun found himself taken aback by the sleek and contemporary design that adorned every corner of the house. The modernity and beauty of the interior perfectly reflected Beomgyu's own sense of style and taste, creating a harmonious blend of aesthetics that was both striking and inviting. From the minimalist furniture to the tasteful decor, every detail seemed to echo Beomgyu's unique personality and preferences, making it clear that the house was a true reflection of its owner.

Not only was the visual appeal of Beomgyu's house impressive, but even the scent that lingered in the air seemed to mirror Beomgyu's presence. The subtle fragrance that wafted through the rooms carried a hint of his favorite cologne, adding another layer to the overall ambiance of the space. It was as if every aspect of the house had been carefully curated to embody Beomgyu's essence, creating a welcoming and familiar atmosphere that made Taehyun feel right at home.

Beomgyu observed the surprise evident on Taehyun's face as he glanced around with his large, shining eyes. Without hesitation, Beomgyu enveloped Taehyun in a warm embrace, wrapping his arms around his waist. Taehyun, feeling the comforting presence of Beomgyu's arms, turned to meet his gaze. A smile formed on Beomgyu's lips as he found Taehyun's reaction to be utterly endearing. He leaned in and lightly kissed Taehyun's forehead, locking eyes with him as he did so. Taehyun blushed, feeling a rush of shyness wash over him at the unexpected gesture from Beomgyu. It had been quite some time since someone had shown him such affection, and he found himself missing the feeling of being cared for in such a sweet manner.

The tender moment between Beomgyu and Taehyun was filled with a sense of warmth and intimacy. Beomgyu's actions spoke volumes about his feelings towards Taehyun, as he expressed his fondness for him through the simple gesture of a forehead kiss. Taehyun, in turn, was taken aback by the sudden display of affection, feeling a mix of emotions as he gazed into Beomgyu's eyes. The exchange between the two friends was a reminder of the importance of small gestures of love and care in nurturing a close bond. As they stood there, locked in a silent embrace, Taehyun couldn't help but feel grateful for having someone like Beomgyu in his life, someone who could make him feel special with just a single kiss on the forehead.

Beomgyu swiftly reached out for Taehyun's wrist in order to guide him to his room, but he noticed Taehyun flinching in response. Taehyun had on a long-sleeved shirt, concealing any scars from Beomgyu's view, yet he let out an unintentional shriek when Beomgyu made contact with his wrist.

Despite Beomgyu's good intentions, the sudden movement caused Taehyun to react unexpectedly due to his past experiences. The sight of Taehyun's flinch served as a stark reminder to Beomgyu of the importance of being mindful and considerate of others' boundaries and sensitivities, even in seemingly harmless situations.

"H-hyung, not there"

"What happened Tyun?"


Beomgyu was well aware that Taehyun had been keeping a secret from him, as he had noticed the consistent presence of long sleeves in Taehyun's wardrobe. Curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist the urge to delve deeper into the mystery. Succumbing to his intrusive thoughts, Beomgyu made up his mind to lift up Taehyun's sleeves, hoping to uncover the reason behind this peculiar behavior.

Despite being aware that prying into someone's personal matters was not ideal, Beomgyu couldn't help but be intrigued by Taehyun's constant choice of long-sleeved clothing. The thought of unraveling the mystery consumed him, leading him to give in to his intrusive thoughts. With a mix of apprehension and curiosity, Beomgyu decided to take a leap of faith and lift up Taehyun's sleeves, hoping to gain insight into the enigma that had been bothering him.

Taehyun found himself in a state of panic, overwhelmed by the weight of a secret he couldn't bear to keep from Beomgyu any longer. Despite his fear, he made the difficult decision to entrust Beomgyu with the truth, knowing that it was the right thing to do. As he watched Beomgyu take charge, Taehyun couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, including a deep sadness that threatened to bring tears to his eyes. The thought of Beomgyu leaving him was a terrifying prospect, and it only intensified his anxiety.

Overwhelmed by a sense of urgency, Taehyun's panic began to consume him, leaving him with no choice but to confide in Beomgyu. Despite the fear that gripped his heart, Taehyun recognized that keeping the secret hidden any longer would only lead to more pain and uncertainty. As he watched Beomgyu step forward to take charge, Taehyun's emotions swirled within him, causing tears to well up in his eyes. The fear of losing Beomgyu, the person he held so dear, loomed over him like a dark cloud, intensifying his already heightened state of distress.

Beomgyu gently rolled up the sleeves of Taehyun's shirt, revealing a series of reddish-pink scars encircling his wrists. As he examined them closely, he couldn't help but notice the depth of some of the wounds. Concern flooded his mind - had Taehyun been engaging in self-harm? Worried about his boyfriend's well-being, Beomgyu looked up and met Taehyun's teary gaze. Without hesitation, he released his grip on Taehyun's wrist and pulled him into a comforting embrace. In that moment, Beomgyu silently conveyed his support, allowing Taehyun to freely express his emotions and cry as much as he needed to.

"It's okay, I'm here"

With an unwavering determination, Taehyun clung onto him, refusing to loosen his grip. The strength of his hold conveyed a profound sense of vulnerability, as if he was desperately holding onto a lifeline. Every muscle in his body tensed, his arms wrapped tightly around the other person, as if he was afraid that the world would crumble if he let go. The weight of his emotions was palpable, as he clung onto the other person with an unyielding determination, unwilling to let the bond between them break.

"Don't leave me" Taehyun said in tiny.

Beomgyu maintained a steady gaze, his face adorned with a warm smile, as he meticulously brushed his companion's hair. With gentle strokes, he continued to pat and soothe him, creating a serene atmosphere that gradually eased any distress.

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