Chapter 5:come back to Seoul

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All credits for picture to the rightful owner.




"Fuxking finally I am here , my homeland. Missed all the things here and more importantly my baby."
Jk exclaimed excited taking deep breaths of his native place air outside the airport standing there waiting for his dad to pick him up.

Not after too long he see his dad's car coming towards him.
Car stopped in front of him and his dad come out with red roses bouquet giving him the same bunny as him, which he return with the same enthusiasm.

"Jungkook, my boy!! I missed you so much my bun!! "
Jungmin exclaimed excited taking jungkook in his protective arms hugging him tightly almost suffocating jungkook. Jungkook also hug back pating his dad back .

"Dad, leave!! I can't breathe!! "
Jk said with forceful smile
Jungmin nodded before leaving him.

"Let's go, your mom is waiting for you"
Jungmin said softly taking jungkook luggage going towards car.

"How was the journey kook!? "
Jungmin ask, placing jungkook luggage inside car back seat.

"It was tiring dad. Let's go now I want to take rest "
Jk said tiredly siting on the passenger seat.
Jungmin nod taking driver seat and started to drive going towards their home.




"My baby!! "
Shinhye shout happily opening the door and jump on her son taking him off guard followed by jungmin chuckle and jungkook groan because God, his mom is one of the muscle women in their house.

"Mom!! Get down!! You are so heavy, you old women!! "
Jungkook said but soon whine when shinhye twist his ear after getting down from him.

"You brat, I am not heavy okay and who do you think you are calling old huh!!?? People die for this beautiful face, you know!! "
Shinhye said twisting his ear more making them red ....
Jungmin was laughing his ass off on the floor seeing jungkook being a little rat in front of his mom otherwise he is lion for the outside world.

"What did you mumble!!?? I saw your lips moving!!"
Shinhye exclaimed after watching jungkook mumbling something under his breathe.

"DAD!! Are you done laughing!!?? If yes, then help me!! "
Jk pouting cutely said to his dad, because his ears are on fire right due to all twisting.

"Shin, darling leave him love.
He is tired. Let him take some rest then beat him as long as you want!! "

"Okay.go and freshen up. I am going to set the dinner "
Shinhye said leaving jungkook who quickly nod taking his luggage running upstairs not before shouting'old lady'.

"YOU BRAT!! Just come downstairs then I will show you what I am!! "
Shinhye shout but soft smile was present there on her lips after watching her son's funny and cute antics.

"Baby!! Let's set dinner together"
Jungmin chuckling said taking her hands in his going towards dining area.


"So , what you gonna do now as your graduation completed kook!? "
Jungmin ask taking bite from his dinner.
Listening his dad, jk hand stop like thinking something his eyebrows furrowed, grip around the spoon tightening.

"My graduation already completed dad, so I was thinking to do MBA from Seoul national university.
I wanna live with you guys here in my home not some foreign countries"
Jk answered after taking five minutes. Jungmin humm happily along with his wife on hearing that thier only son will leave with them.

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