Chapter 10:nose fucking

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I know I announced I'll not write but today is my best and favorite couple anniversary so why not.



Jungkook was driving his car calmly focusing on the road with Taehyung beside him, who was humming looking out of the window admiring night beauty of Seoul .

Jungkook look beside him with a soft and fond smile, his love is looking so beautiful , his big eyelashes falling on his cheeks, his rosy cheeks more red due to the cold, his pink lips glittering with lipbalm, his long brown hair flowing effortlessly coz of the naughty wind hiding his beautifully sculptured face, his blue eyes shining more than the stars in the sky, his swine like neck adoring with the purple stone pendent making it even more tempting, his delicate wrist have his gifted bracelet.he couldn't help but to stare more and more at the fine piece of art who is his already and will be his officially tonight. He's feeling greedy inside by the thought that this beauty will be his and only his.

He come out of his not so innocent thought when he heard that shy tone of his beloved. He intensely stare at that red shy face who was trying his best to hide from his intense stare, making him smirk internally.... Only he can make him blush no one else.

"Why are you hiding your face from me Taehyung!? "
He asked Intentionally in deep tone leaning towards Taehyung, eyes still looking at Taehyung soul........ Who was squirming around his seat noticing the heated atmosphere inside the car and jungkook intense gaze was not helping at all.

"I w-was not hiding hyung! "
Somehow those words left his mouth but that didn't stop jungkook from getting closer to him...... In fact jungkook was now in the boundary of his personal space making him gulp hard and seems like jungkook noticed that and smirking come more close to him almost touching his face.

"Really pup? As long as I remember someone was staring at me without blinking! "
His breath was fanning over Taehyung face and both were staring right into each other orbs.

"I wasn't staring at you
Mr. Jeon "
Taehyung gathering his confidence said and stare in jungkook eyes who didn't bulge from his place .

"I can prove that you were checking out me without my permission"
He said and blow air on Taehyung eye which make him close his eyes at the cold sensation.
He smirk and go back to his seat and started to drive without any reaction on his face.

Taehyung opened his eyes when he didn't find the cold air on his face...... He look beside him where jungkook was driving and already giving him teasing smirk, he shake his head and again look out of the window.

"See, you were staring at wait for me blow air on your face again or...... You were waiting something else also."
He asked but taehyung didn't answered this time, which somehow erked his inner demons but he calm himself down, he have to or taehyung will hate him if he did something bad now, but not in future.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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