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Joseph and I walk for a bit. I don't really know where we're going, only that he's leading us. He lets me be quiet. Not muttering a peep before I did. It calmed me, the comfort in silence.

"I'm scared you'll leave eventually. Everyone does it one day." I say looking straight ahead. The men in front and behind us were close enough for security but far enough for privacy. "I know you won't though. Which is why it'll probably be me."

"In my mind it's better to leave than be left."

I finally looked at him. Knowing there wouldn't be a hint of sadness or anger behind his eyes. "I know deep down you don't believe that."

"Don't I?" I let out a sad chuckle. Joseph stops and presses his palm against my cheek. "I will gladly spend my entire life trying to prove you wrong."

"There aren't rules to this type of thing you know? But I am asking you to give us a chance. You do have a choice. I'm asking you right here, right now that you try to make this work with me. I can do the fake stuff every now and then for cameras and press but I want to have you to myself completely. I know it'll take time but we can move slow-"

I cut him off and kissed him. "I don't want to move slow Joseph. I want to be with you without a ring or title to uphold that. I just don't know if I can. And if I do how long before my thoughts get the best of me and I do something I'll regret again."

"Do you regret not saying yes?"

"Of course." I say with no hesitation. I've carried that regret with me everyday whether it was a thought in the back of my mind or a small thought in passing.

"Well don't" He shrugged and I squinted my eyes. This man confuses me. He laughs at my sudden expression. "You did what you thought was best at the time. I wholeheartedly believe that. We were young and maybe you were right. Maybe we didn't need to be together at that time. No one compares to you" I feel my cheeks heat up. I pull apart and clear my throat.

"When we were in school I bet 10,000 on you. In that fight on Skyware night. Before you go feeling too special it was originally 500."

"You bet that money!? Did you watch me? I took a few hits but in the end my predictions were right." He lights up whenever science thoughts pop up in his brain. I still don't understand half the stuff he tells me but I like to go along with it anyways. "Yeah I watched. You were amazing." I lie

We stop talking and keep on walking. His hand went from my cheek to my hand and I can admit I'm really missing that warmth right about now.

"Okay sure we can try or whatever" I say in a tone I think is appropriate. "I'm sorry, you know I had rsv as a baby and lost a few hair cells in my ear." He points to his right one. "I'm afraid I couldn't hear you properly baby, what did you say?" I lift my head and pretend not to hear him. He already got me to admit I like him, what more could he possibly want. He just laughs and it makes me scrunch my nose up. He wraps his arm over my head and covers my eyes. "I said we'll try move!" I give up and laugh pushing him away but he just pulls me back.

"Let's go home, we can watch Sweeney Todd on the tv." My ears rise up. Why is he walking faster? Oh it's me.






I moved to Joseph's place three weeks ago. It wasn't too far from Sicily so I could catch a ride to work on the wedding with Chris. Today she was gonna come over, help me make sure everything was right. With the wedding being in 3 days I needed everything to go perfectly.

I was sitting on the balcony reading a book when someone blocked my view of sunshine. I lift my head up to see Joseph in a flowy white t-shirt and his golden framed glasses on the top of his head, pushing his hair out his face. "Hello-" I feel a grin form on my face as I look him up and down. It was particularly hot today so he had black sport shorts on. He looked so fuckable. A total DILF. In this moment I would have willingly spread my legs and let him– But that'll never happen, I'd rather not make another fucked up mini version of me."You look great. Go change."

"Mina, we both know Chris prefers the opposite sex." He sits next to me and hands me a plate of burnt turkey bacon. I grab a piece and turn on my side to face him. I sigh and shrug while chewing on my bacon "Doesn't mean she won't glance at your ass. She makes jokes but only because we can't help but recognize it. There's no denying Joseph you have a beautiful butt."

"You're cute" He pushes my curly hair over my shoulder to kiss it.  I laugh before stopping "Lets go to the room." It was only a mere suggestion.

"Again." He laughs and stands up "You're cute but no. You've got a job to do" He pats my head and walks away. I sigh and lay back on the chair. I reach for another piece of bacon defeatedly. It's quiet for a few before I hear a car door slam outside. Didn't take long to hear the front door open and the sound of grown children bickering. I grab my empty plate and walk towards the door. Opening them to hear Christine laughing at Joseph. He stood there with a hand on a chair leaning.

"I'm telling you, you look like a slut."

"I do not! It's just hot." He tries to defend himself, throwing his hands in the air.

I form a tight smile and walk further inside, closing the door behind me. "Romina, does your man look like a slut."

"Do I look like a slut?" Joseph repeats behind her. "Yes" I shug walking to him and patting his shoulder, then I pat his ass. "She's just kidding- no, but it's okay I like that." My hand goes to touch the hem of the shorts. "You should wear em more often."

"I think I just threw up a little." Chris takes the chair from Joseph and sits down. "Go away creature please." She makes a shooing motion with her hands. I turn and walk to the kitchen to set my plate down. "I'll let you work. Come find me after ok?" Joseph whispers and kisses my cheek. "Okay"I responded and watched him walk away.

"I've been so busy trying to make sure this wedding matches up to Ana and Winstons a few months ago. Had me thinking, how easy it was. How easy she was?" I laugh and have to stop her

"Yeah, she really couldn't stop talking to save her life. 'Oh my lanta'." I imitate Ana in all her priss and glory.

Chris gives me a small laugh before sliding me her bag. Containing papers and files. "So I did a little last minute background check. There's nothing on Ana?" Chris says and I nod my head then walk to her. "Yeah I noticed. I didn't think too much of it though. It was gonna be a quick job, didn't feel worth looking into." I say honestly, I never get attached to people I worked with. Their private life seemed none of my concern. Especially when I knew I could handle my own.

"Yes until you see that there really is literally nothing on Ana. Nothing going back further than 3 years. It's like bitch appeared out of thin air"

"So what are you saying Chris?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders before crossing her arms. "I don't know, something just doesn't feel right. We need to go strapped up."

"It's going to be a big event." I say and she nods her head. "A lot of press and higher level people." I add on before saying "We can double personal and talk to her before the wedding." Ana was going to be a bridesmaid's in this wedding. Only it was her Cousins sisters best friends boyfriends mom?? Getting married to some old rich dude, he bought companies.

"And if she isn't in a talking mood?"

"We'll make her."

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