•27• SHE

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With the wedding being less than 72 hours away, I had to arrange a quick plane to take me to visit an old friend. Just to make sure this entire thing didn't end up in a disaster. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to text Joseph and let him know what was going on. I grab my phone to call him from the plane before we take off. "Are you done with everything? I can be on my way back home. I was just at the store. Did you want those chocolate pomegranates-" Fuck those are delish

"No actually I'm sorry I won't be back till the morning of the wedding probably. I needed to make a quick flight for work. I have to visit someone."


I wince at the sudden hardness in his voice "Yeah I'm sorry I just really had to go and I didn't have enough time to tell you. I wish you were here" I say truthfully but I don't think it did me any justice.

"Where are you going?"He asks me in a low tone. Joseph never talked to me anyway but sweet. Oh shit now I was shaking in my boots. My baby sounded pissed. Felt like I was pushing a button right now. The big bright button on the car in movies that had a huge sign saying don't touch. I feel like an idiot that touched the button. "I'm going to-" I look down at my phone and scoff; throwing it in the chair across from me. I must have the worst luck in the fucking world. My phone went dead. I grabbed nothing but my purse when I left and a phone charger wasn't included. I had my card and a card Joey gave me so I was just gonna buy clothes and toiletries as soon as I landed. I was just gonna fly to mainland italy, the flight would take about an hour. I'll get a hotel room in the nearest airport and only stay a night then be on my merry hoein way.

Still my leg shook. I frantically tapped my feet against the floor. Hoping– no praying Joseph kept his sanity. I really was gonna call him as soon as possible.

My Joey, he's not crazy. He's just really passionate and obsessive- no that's not the right word. Impulsive? No, he's just passionate and over caring. He's better at action than words when it comes to these things.

I get up and walk to the flight attendant. "Hi, do you have a phone charger?" I ask and she says no. I take my defeat and turn to walk to my chair. My alarm on my phone rings and I take my medicine.

I'm awakened by the sweet old lady and the doors to Joseph's jet are open. I walk out and walk into the airport. I stop by the nearest shop and grab some things. After walking around for a bit I talk to a few people and book a room in the tower. I place my phone on the charger and turn to walk out. I swear I'll call. Just after I stop at the pub.

I take a taxi and arrive at my destination. I walk behind the building to the fishing spot to see the old Chinese man.

"Hey lou." I say as he turns to me. "Let me guess. My favorite twin."

"I'm the only twin now, the other one was murdered by my parents, remember?" Too soon? Sorry, dark humor is how I cope. We both laugh and he gestures to the seat beside him.

"What can I do for you? Must be pretty serious for you to show up in my backyard after all these years."

"My father's back. The damn man's like a virus. Anyway's Chris and I were talking earlier and we think he might have something to do with this event we were involved in. He's made a few appearances over the past months since I've been back on this side of the globe."

"You wanna know how to make the clock stop ticking." He laughs, "You can't."

"You'll be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life, Mina girl. Less you take control and drive a knife through his skull. This is what he does, he gets into your mind and poisons you. Makes you think he's in every shadow watching and lurking." He laughs harder and smiles sadistically "Truth is he probably has no connection to whatever this is. Your father has more taste than a pathetic wedding. A man of such talent would never stoop to that level." Lou is shaking his head and laughing rocking back and forth. "He's already won if you're here talking to me."

"You talked to him?"

"I can never be so certain who I talk to these days. After all, you did make sure of that." He turns towards me and I see his empty eye sockets.

"Which was more than he ever did for you. He took your legs so you could never escape again."

"You took my eyes so I could never see again. In my books you're both monsters."

"You saw what they did to my brother. You were his best friend, you knew he knew our plans and you sat there and watched that day. You saw what you saw and did nothing. So why should you have the privilege to see anything else ever again?" I stand up and look out at the water. I know all that I need to know now. He gave me everything while giving me nothing. My father promised him something, he might not be involved with my affairs at this moment but he is watching me. It's time for him to know that I see him.

I squirt the gasoline all over Lou and his chair. He drops his fishing pole and pulls out his gun. "For a blind dude your hearing's shit. I emptied the clip. Tell my mother I said hello."

"Tell her yourself." He says before I throw a match on him and his body lights up in flames.

I brought a strawberry pastry at the only bakery open. It was pretty late and I needed to get to the hotel. I should've responded to Joseph earlier. It's been a while since our last phone call. He's probably worried.

By the time I arrived at the hotel there's nothing but powdered sugar on my hands. I cut the bathroom light on and got in the shower. I brought some underwear and some clothes to go to sleep in. I was going to text him back. Or at least call. I just wanted to shower first. I get out of the shower to see only my towel on the counter. I must've forgotten my clothes on the bed. No worries, I wrapped my towel around my body and walked out with my slippers. I head to the dresser and pick up my phone. I cut it on and it immediately lights up with notifications. I see many text messages. 280 of them were from Joseph. Some texts from Chris here and there.

I called Joseph's phone but it just went straight to voicemail. I look out the window as I wait for the automated message to end so I could leave a message.

"Hey, hope you aren't too mad with me. My phone went dead and I just kept getting side tracked. I guess it's pretty late so I wouldn't doubt you're sleeping right now. Anyways I just wanted to hear your voice before I turned in for the night. It hangs up and I put my phone on the back of the dresser. Looking out the window, it's only now I realize the only light in the room was coming from the bathroom. That was off now.

I felt a hand wrap around my waist and a face go to the crook of my neck. "You should've called before you left the tower."

"Joey" It feels like all my air has stopped in my throat causing me to choke. "What happened to not stalking me?" I turn around to face him. He's not smiling. Oh boy

I smile at him and reach my hands up to touch him but he puts my arms by my side. "It's not stalking, we're together. And you left without me?" His hand strokes my cheek "And without talking to me first." His hand moves to my neck. Not choking me but just holding me there. With his thumb right over my pulse. "I really was going to call you." I slowly raise my hands back up. I'm not holding my towel anymore.

Joseph stares into my eyes. Not looking anywhere else. "I'm sorry Joseph, I thought about you all day." My hand is rubbing the arm holding me by my neck. "I thought about how upset you'd be with me. What you might do if I didn't call you. I didn't wanna make you mad but I have to admit the thought really turned me on."

"This won't happen again" He says in a gruff voice pulling me closer. I nod my head in agreement looking at his lips. "No it won't" I affirm and he looks at me. The only parts of me he could see from the illumination of the lights outside shining in.

He gets closer and I feel his breath hovering over me. "I'm serious. Next time it won't be like this."

"Got it." I kiss him and he tightens his grip and kisses me harder. I feel his free hand roaming over me. Touching my skin and rubbing me in places he knows gets me excited.

He pulls apart and smiles before spreading my lips apart with his thumb "Get your knees".

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