•30• Love me or Leave Me

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I was laying in the bed watching Joseph get dressed. The sun was just beginning to rise. You could just barely see the sun beginning to peek through.

I watched him silently look for his glasses. The ones I fiddle with in my hands. He thought I was still sleeping but the truth is I never actually went to sleep. I was tired and ready to pick a fight just waiting for the right time.

"Did you know Ana?" I ask out of the blue not to startle him one bit. "No." He says with a straight face. Putting a pause on his search for the glasses I am now using to keep my hair out of my face. Pushed on top of my head.

"I'm meeting with Christine later, and I don't want to find out anything I could've found out at this moment."

Joseph shrugs and sits on the bed. He takes off his socks and crawls beside me in bed. I keep my head straight, not bothering to look at him. Joseph only got as far as placing underwear and socks on before he realized he couldn't see shit.

"Did you meet with Ana at any point before she began a relationship with Ana."

"No. I never met anyone named ana." He responds without missing a beat. He's too calm. I'm not asking the right questions. I began scooting away towards the edge of the bed before he grabbed my leg keeping me in place. "Were you responsible for Winston leaving me?"

"God no!" He laughs "That motherfucker did that all on his own. He was going to leave regardless but once I found out what he was up to– he took his leave sooner rather than later."

I slap his hand off my body. I was fuming now. "Joseph what the absolute fuck!?" I stand up as does he on the opposite side of the bed. "You were going to find out anyway."

"So you're telling me you had absolutely nothing to do with this entire situation."

"No, I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is Winston is a piece of shit no matter who he marries!" 

"You're a piece of shit!"

"At least I can admit it." fuck I didn't want him to agree

"Shut the fuck up" I fold my arms and look at him shaking my head softly "Joseph you're not a piece of shit"

"I know i'm not but you just said I was" He's fucking around and I'm not

I scoff then take his glasses off my head and throw them at him. He catches them and puts them on his face. He can see mines clearly now. "What did you do?" I ask him with a little bit more

"When you sent me that invitation. I laughed, I actually laughed so hard my chest began to hurt like it never had before. I knew at that moment that wedding couldn't have been serious. One of you were going to fuck up and i had to make sure it wasn't you."

I shake my head and stare at him "You think I'd fucking flake my own wedding?"

"Yes. But it wouldn't be a problem because you'd be the one doing it but if he did it to you I-"

Okay he had a point there. I sat in a chair facing him and the window which reflected the rising sun began to shine through the big window behind me with its blinds slightly opened.

"I just looked into him. I looked at things you might've been too busy trying to ignore because of the past and I get that. Things were really hard and I knew that which is why I did what I did."

I looked at him waiting for him to say what it is he actually did but he just looked at me with lost puppy dog eyes like he was finished talking. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

Joseph wouldn't lie to me. He would only twist up the truth to make himself look better than he actually was. It was only when it came down to me I knew he would never let his lies affect me or us. The truth always came out and he somehow always told it in broken fragments. If he's right, Winston was always going to hurt me at his expense in some way. It's only now I realized "Did you threaten him?" I hear nothing so I assume the answer is no. "You're worth much more than any threat created."

I open my eyes and look at joseph. My jaw is slightly open. I'm fighting back a smile. "How much were you willing to pay?"

"He was after the future you and Christine were so desperately trying to create. He knew the business would be a success and so did all of us back home, so I gave him 4.5?"

"Our business isn't worth that much and never will be."

"Okay so I upped the price a little?"

"And where is Winston now?" I question but he just looks at me up and down before carelessly waving his hand around.

"Sera is taking care of that."

I stand up and walk to him. Joseph sits back on the bed. I lift his head up. "Who the fuck is sara?"

"Sera is just some reinforcement.'' He places his hands just below my ass behind my thighs, rubbing them up and down. "But that's not really important right now. I've told you everything of real importance." I put my hands behind his neck and stare ahead. Our eyes are on each other even when they're not. I'm going to find out everything later but for right now that was enough for me.

I was no angel. Times like these reminded me he wasn't either.

Joseph pushes his face into my stomach. Kissing me all over before pulling my underwear down. He bends his head down to kiss all along my hip and pelvis before making his fingers glide over my throbbing clit.

"I didn't make him leave you because I couldn't have you." He looks at me and I rub the back of his neck before meeting his eyes. "You didn't make him leave me." I repeated back to him. He can believe the rest all he wants but I know the truth. He places a finger inside me while rubbing his thumb over my clit. We both know the truth.

"I'm going to find out everything." I manage to find my voice enough to speak. Joseph doesn't say anything he just nods and pushes his face right into my pussy.

"I'll be at home waiting after you do." He says with his mouth right over where it needed to be. I pushed my hips down, just a little bit further.

"I know" I moan before allowing my hands to find their way into his beautiful thick hair.

I'm going to be late to Christine's place. I'll shoot her a text eventually..

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