Life goes on

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Hey Sorry guys schools been really busy and I'm hardly ever home. So just bear with me!


(Sutton's POV)

Monday morning was killer. I had gotten maybe four hours of sleep and we had early morning practice. Everyone looked like a bunch of zombies and the coaches were yelling at us for being slow. It was horrible!

After that we went back into the locker rooms to get dressed and I had a text on my phone.

~I have something I need to tell you~ Aiden

What did he want now? I swear no matter what I do I can never get rid of this boy.

~Okay tell me during 7th period~

~Okay see ya then Button~

When he said that even in a text I got little chills all over. Of course Lily noticed she sees everything.

"Who was that?" She asked peering over my shoulder.

" It was Aiden," I replied nonchalantly.

" What does that asshole want now?"

"I don't know he just said he had to talk to me."

" Oh I bet he does the idiot," She said then went to go apply make-up.

The rest of the day flew by uneventfully. Other than a bunch of complaining kids who didn't want to be in this prison it was the same as usual. At the end of 6th period Lily walked up tp me.

"Listen to me. I don't know what he'll say, but I do know he broke your heart into a million pieces and then pounded them with a mallet. I know you miss him, but you can't give into him. Make him suffer like he made you don't except anything without making him fight for it,"

"It's alright I got this," I said even though I knew I was lying.

We hugged and I walked out to Spanish.

Aiden sat in the back with Meagan and Riley and Derek who were now back together and in love again. So I was surprised when his seat was empty, but the one that's normally empty was occupied by AIden.

"Hey," he said. He seamed fine semi happy. So I sat down all the girls and Derek were all staring at us.

"Hey so what did you want to talk about?" I asked everyone leaned in closer.

"Ugh I'll tell you after class," he said before Mrs. Joy started class.

"Okay today class we are going to read poetry that I have in Spanish and translate it to English. Sutton you're first," Mrs. Joy said.

"Wishful Thinking by Lang Leav

You say that you are over me,

my heart,

it skips,

it sinks." Of all the poems I had to read it had to be about heartbreak.

"I see you now with someone new,

I stare,

I stare,

I blink." Tears were pooling in my eyes at this point.

"Someday I'll be over you,

I know,

I know-

I think." I finished and blinked back the tears in my eyes.

"Very good Sutton," praised Mrs. Joy. "Next one, Aiden will you read it please."

"In three words

I can sum up everything

I've learned about life:

It....It....It...," Aiden struggled to say he didn't know the words.

"Goes on," I fininshed for him.

"By Robert Frost, Thank you Aiden," Mrs. Joy said and continued on with the rest of the class. None of the other poems captured my attention. I found it very ironic that both Aiden and I both got poems about moving on.

I zoned out the rest of class.Once the bell rang I grabbed my things and looked up and AIden was waiting for me. I walked up to him and we walked into the hallway into a semi awkward silence.

FInially he broke through the silence, "So I think I'm gonna break up with Mary."

I was shocked, " Why?" I asked.

" She just always talking to other guys and I think she's cheating on me." Aiden whispered.

"Ohh I'm sorry AIden." I said with fake sympathy.

"Don't be I just thought you should know, I'll text you later Button." He said then walked to athletics.

I just stood there in the middle of the hall way more confused than ever.


Hope everyone's having a good weekend. I'm gonna try to update tommrow or Sunday.

Not much excitment right now just a lot of confusion in the book.


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