Chapter 5: Secrets with Doubt

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Making sure that Evealyn was out of sight, he felt a little relieved that she didn't change her mind about not following him. Though feeling bad with how abrasive he was telling her. Making a mental note that he needs to apologize to her later. His senses begin to dull and the room feels as though it was moving yet also still at the same time. He had teleported to a room with light shining in from a large window with bits of color coming from the tinted edges of the glass. Shelves filled with vials of liquids in various shapes, sizes and colors but somehow remain somewhat translucent.

Plants seemingly have taken over the room but are also correlating with the shelve and the room in a beautiful harmony. Poking his head around the corner of the shelves he finds Rae resting her back against it swirling one of the vials in her hand. "Be Careful i don't think you want to find out what will happen if any of that got on you" Dylan says but it seemed as though Rae hadn't heard a word of what he said. Not even sure she even realizes that he's talking to her. Dylan quickly grabs at her hand when she puts the vial up to her mouth. "Why would you think drinking something that you don't know it's dangerous?" but she jerks her hand away Dylan frantically checking that none actually spill on her.

"What am I supposed to do then huh? What other solution do I have for people to stop leaving me?" his heart breaks hearing her cursing himself for even saying anything earlier. Concerned that she might try to drink it again "you don't have to do anything, cause nobody is leaving you." She scoffs not believing a word he says gripping onto the vial tighter "why must you lie, you wouldn't have said anything at breakfast if it wasn't true." Dylan knows that's not what he meant but feels guilty even bringing it up in the first place hadn't expected her to get so upset. "Look i'm sorry for what i said okay, i was just worried for you"

But that doesn't seem to quell her worries ''you wouldn't be worried if you didn't think it might happen" Dylan asks himself why he didn't word his apology better or just left it as sorry. "You know that's not what I meant, Besides Evealyn doesn't seem like the type of person who would do that to somebody" Rae is still unsure they had just met yesterday and she was treating her like a friend she'd known forever. "What if she does, what if she finds me suffocating like the others" Dylan reassures her that she won't say by the looks of it she seems to enjoy being around her.

"How would you know that it's not like you can read her mind" Rae holds her head down looking at the vial in her hand "with the way how you two were laughing at my expense this morning i'd say that's genuine proof enough" he covers her hand saying it's going to be okay and to trust him. Seeing her lighten up a bit he breathes a sigh of relief "now that we got that out of the way now i just need to apologize to Evealyn" Rae wonders what for, asking what did he do he rubs the back of his neck saying that he may or may not have aggressively told her not to follow him here.

She was stunned for a moment "you didn't" he awkwardly chuckles trying to avoid her gaze "look on the bright side at least you know that she worries about you." Rae shakes her head standing up abruptly startling him a bit. "You better apologize and make it a good one, Got it?" Dylan says he knows but he didn't mean to sound so harsh, but he had no choice if this place is to stay hidden from her for now. "Well you have a choice to apologize now so let's get going" Rae starts dragging him up he says he's coming dusting off his pants as he stands up. Rae walks ahead and he takes this time to slip the vial in his pocket before catching up. Then proceeds to ask if after he apologizes to her if he can tell Evealyn one of her embarrassing past moments, finding it unfair that she only got to share his. "I'll think about it if she accepts your apology."

Evealyn after helping Marianne doesn't feel like she really did much as most of the clean other that the few plates her and the twins left were just about it. Feeling as though she hadn't been that much of a help to her as she thought she would be. Heading back to grandma Josi's room remembering that she had another mess to clean up. Starting by packing the things she had taken out of the trunk she got annoyed when her loose curls kept falling In Front of her face, putting them in a ponytail and being putting stuff away again. After she had finally gone unto the books and placed them on the shelves she thinks she can hear aunt Josi joking that she didn't know squirrels could clean, placing the last book on the shelf a piece of paper seems to have fallen out of it. Curious, she picks it up realizing it was a Note from Grandma Josi.

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