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Min's POV

I woke up early and do my morning routine.I woke Suho first so that he can wake up the other boys while I make a breakfast.

"Good Morning,Min!"They said happily

"Good Morning too!"

"Why are you the one who cook breakfast?I should be the one who will cook"D.O said

"So,you dont want me to cook?"I pouted

"You look cute when pouting.Just continue cooking okay?Im not mad at you"he smiled

"And,today is our graduation day,we should be happy and excited,right?"Suho said and all of them agreed

"Lets eat.Im hungry already"Kai said.Xiumin and Kris prepared the table while I put the food and we started to eat


Its already 11 am and Chorong should be here right now.Im already done taking a bath.

*ding dong*

I opened the door and it was
Chorong.I hugged her

"What took you so long?"

"It was a bit traffic that why Im late.Come on lets get ready.I already bring my toga,make up and more"we went to my room.

It took an hour for our makeup.Chorong made my hair into a curly one and a light make up.I wore my toga and I saw the boys already waiting for us

"You girls look so beautiful"Luhan said

"Gomawo Luhan oppa"we both said

"Come on.We have to go now"Suho said


Finally we arrived in our school.I saw teacher Song and greeted them

"Hello,teacher.You look beautiful today"I said

"Thank you Min.You look beautiful too.Are you excited for the graduation?"

"Im really really excited.But,Im gonna miss you teacher"I hugged my teacher

"I will miss you too Min"

Attention all graduating student,please proceed to our convention center to start our program.Thank You

"See you later teacher Song"I bid goodbye to my teacher and walked together with Chorong


After the valedictorian tells the speech,

"We,graduates of Seoul Performing of Arts,school year 2015-2016,do hereby solemly pledge to do our best to help maintain the good name of our school.We still cherish her with acts of loyalty,discipline and respect.We will continue practicing what we have learned in our academic,spiritual and social activities.So help us God!"

"Congratulation Graduates,Batch 2015-2016!!!!"Our principal said.

"Wohooo!!"All of us cheered

I took a picture with some of my friends.

I searched Sehun everywhere.I found out that he is in the garden,alone.

"Hey..."I said in a shy tone

"Hey Min...Uhm...I thought you were with your friends.."

"I just wanna say that Happy Graduation"I smiled

"Happy Graduation to us"he smiled back

"Why arent you living with us in the past day?" damn Min,why did you ask that?Ofcourse you had a fight on that time

"Oh..Uhmm..I was living with my parents for the graduation"

"Oh..Well,why dont we celebrate our graduation with the boys,sounds good?

"Im just gonna ask permission to my parents"

Does that mean Sehun and I are good?

As we arrived in our home,we went to the garden to celebrate.I wore my light green dress and a pink wedge.There were a lot of idols like Apink,Shinee,SNSD and F(x).All of them took a picture.It was very fun.

Someone tapped my shoulder,it was Luna

"Min,someone's wanna talk to you at the rooftop"

"Who is it?"

"I dont know."

"Okay.I'll go now."

As I went to the rooftop,I saw no one

"Hello?"No one is answering.I just sat on the bench.Suddenly,someone covered my eyes.

"Who is it?"

"Boo!"I was scared.It was Sehun

"You scared me!"I can feel my heart beats so fast

"Sorry"he said making a peace sign

"So,what do you want to talk about?"I asked while he sat beside me

"Its been a week since we didnt talk to each other"


"We miss our bonding.we miss our date,our hugs and kissed.Do you miss that too?"

"Ofcourse...But"I cried and cried

"We fight"I added.He suddenly hugged me

"Im sorry for not listening to your explanation Sehun.I was so dumb"I hiccuped

"Ssshh..Stop crying"he rubbed my back

"So,that means were okay?"he added.I nodded

"Im so happy"he kissed me passionately.I kissed him back too.

"Did you wear the bracelet I gave you?"

"Ofcourse I didnt wear cause your were mad at me that time"

"Wear it now"I smiled

"But,tomorrow Sehun is..."Should I tell him?

"Tomorrow will be your saddest day of your life"

"Why Min?Are you breaking up with me officially?Are you leaving?"

"You will know tomorrow."

"Wanna stay here for a bit?"He asked and I nodded.I put my head on his shoulder


As Im done brushing my teeth.I prepare my luggage for my flight tomorrow.

Its already 9:00 pm and Im really sleepy.I layed and my bed and sleep.. Zzzz -_-

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