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Next Morning

We were walking when someone shouted my name from behind

"Hey Min!"I looked from behind and it was Minjoo


"Can I join with you?"


Again,15 of us continued walking.Minjoo walked from Sehun.They talked much.


When I was putting my books in my bag,Minjoo appeared


"Can you give this to Sehun oppa?"It was a cute cupcake.


"Thanks Min"She gave me her cupcake and left.


"Guys,how about having a movie marathon?"Kai said


"Im going to call Chorong"

I made a call for Chorong and tell her that if she can come for a movie in the house and she agreed

"Great!Good thing I bought popcorn"D.O said

"Who's gonna buy the drinks?"

"Im going!"Chen said

"Me too!"

"Sorry Min,but I think you stay here.Remember what happened to you when you were kidnap?We would not let that happen to you again.Okay?"Suho said

"Okay.I understand"

"I will be going now!"


I saw Sehun in the balcony,alone.

"Hey..."I said in a low tone

"Oh...what are you doing here?"

"Just checking you..."

"Okay.."I sat beside him



"Do you love me?"


"And,you woudnt replace me?"

"No way.I will not ever replace you.I promise"

"I just realised that you and Minjoo talked too much"


"I almost forgot,I have something to give you.Its not from me....Here"I handed him the cupcake

"From who is it?"

"Its from Minjoo"

"Tell her thanks"

"We should go now.Maybe,they started the movie"

"Okay"We proceed to the living room with our hands glued

We seated comfortably in the sofa and wait.

"Im back!"Chen said

Ding! Dong!

"I'll go get the door"As I opened the door,Chorong is here

"So,is the movie started?"

"Not yet.Come in"

"Hey Guys!"Chorong said

"Hey Chorong!"

"Sit beside me"and she agreed.

Ding! Dong!

"Who is it?"

"I'll go get it"Tao said

When Tao opened the door,it was Minjoo.

"Who invited you?"

"Sehun invited me.Why?"

"Oh,nothing.Just asking.Come in"

She went straight where Sehun is seated

"Okay,were going to start the movie now.Its going to be scary movies"



Everytime something that pops in the movie will make Minjoo scared and hides from Sehuns back.I can hear what they are saying,even if they whispers

"What are you looking at?"Chorong whispered


"Are you jealous?"

"Of what?Them?No way...They are just friends"Good thing Sehun didnt hear us cause were a bit far from them


"Bye.That movie was awesome!"

"Bye.See you tomorrow!"

I saw Minjoo only bids goodbye to Sehun.

"Are you not jealous?"Luhan whispered

"No way.Its just a friendly goodbye"

"I can see from your eyes that youre jealous"

"Stop it okay..Im not jealous.."

"You know how close they are right?"

"Yeah..Sehun talked to Minjoo much,not like me...If I talk to someone,they will think that I'm a boring to talk

"Did Sehun tell you about Minjoo and his relationship?"

"Yes he did.He also said that they are only friends.Just friends"

"I think three of you will have a love triangle..There's a chance that Sehun and Minjoo could be back together.......Well we better get to sleep.Goodnight"


What if Luhans right?I must talk to Minjoo tomorrow.....

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