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"Ms. Laurier?" Almond shaped brown eyes looked up to see an unwanted visitor. Her face revealed her displeasure at being disturbed and she pursed her lips.

"This is the third time today that you've come here, Mr. Whitmore." The man was someone that she had hoped to avoid.

"What time you get off?" He asked, leaning on the counter, eyes glued to her chest. She clenched her teeth and tried to keep her face neutral as to not reveal her fear.

"I'm not telling you that. Now, if you aren't here to check out a book or use the library services then I'm going to call security." The man finally looked up at her face after so long of ogling her.

" I'll be back." With that, he left her finally and she felt a large wave of relief wash over her. Picking up her head, she dialed a number on her phone.

"Grayson Library Security."

"Hey Jay. It's Jas." The man on the other end immediately knew.

"That old piece of shit bothering you again, Jas?"

"Yeah. He's come up to my counter three times today. I need an escort on the way out tonight."

"You got it. No problem. We'll keep an eye out for him at the main entrance."

"Thanks, Jay."

"No problem." Hanging up, she finally relaxed her shoulders and pushed the encounter from her mind. This was not the start she wanted to her day today but she would continue.

"Jasper," Turning to see one of her co-workers, Sarah leaning against her desk, she shook her head.

"I wish they'd scheduled us together today. If I was over here with you, I'd give him a knuckle sandwich." Giggling at the much taller, slim muscular build of the woman, she had no doubt that she could.

"What can we do? We've been so short staffed."

"That's what's wrong with these kids today. Nobody wants to read but old farts that can't take a hint." Fighting to keep from busting out laughing, she lifted her hands to cover her mouth.

"You're a menace, Sarah. Seriously. It's a good thing they didn't put us together over here." Sarah stuck out her chest, grinning.

"I got you little lady."

"I know. Thanks."

"Page me if you need anything, okay?"

"I will," Leaving her alone once again, the smile she'd caused took a while before it left her face. It was proving to be a long day already. She'd need humor to get through it.


As promised, Jay sent one of the security guys to escort her out to her car and she was more than observant of the road as she went home. Whitmore was not the first creep to make her feel uncomfortable but he was the most persistent. Enough about that. Work is over. Pulling into her parking spot, she got out and gladly hurried up to her apartment. Once inside, she breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God. Kicking off her shoes, a low kitten heel, she proceeded her nightly ritual of plopping the keys into the bowl. Turning on the television. And heading into the bathroom. Nothing out of the ordinary. As of late. But tonight, something stopped her dead in her tracks.

At first, she couldn't believe she was seeing. A man was in her bathroom, right in front of her, holding some of her panties. All of the saliva in her mouth dried up and her throat grew tight. Frozen with fear, she watched as he proceeded to continue smelling her panties. Was he ignoring her? Cause she could clearly tell that he was aware of her presence. She dared to open her mouth but nothing came out. What the hell was wrong with him?

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