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"Why such the long face?" Absent-minded, she glanced up into the face of Sarah. She must have come in for her lunch.

"What long face?"

"You look like someone dragged you through mud and then ripped your heart out."

"You are such a Drama Queen,"

"It's true," Helping herself to the seat next to her, Sarah began to eat.

"It's panty-sniffer again, huh?"


"You've been down in the dumps since you came back from your little date."

"It wasn't a date. I keep telling you that."

"Sure," Sighing, she lifted her hands to press against her face, lunch ignored.

"I'm cramping and my titties hurt too much for all this today, okay?" Sarah watched her fold, laying her head down on the table.

"You want an 800 mg Tylenol?"

"I'd have to eat first and I don't think I can stomach anything right now."

"Okayyyy." Groaning, her head peeked up from underneath her arms.

"What actually happened that night?"

"Whatddya mean?"

"You came back all weird and sad and stuff. What'd he do?" The surprising need to defend him burned in her chest but she let it fade.

"He shared more memories with me."

"He likes doing that knowing you'll be fucked up afterward, huh?"

"I mean, I doubt he does it for that reason." Her face said Not you defending him. Sighing, she hid herself back underneath her arms, the darkness welcome from the blaring lights.

"He was on some sort of plantation. Like... back in the 1800s or something."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"There was this girl, this slave he was with.."

"I really don't like the sound of this now,"

"He fell in love with her. Like madly Pride and Prejudice kinda love. Of course, she didn't return his feelings."


"She was trying to make him get her pregnant."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me."


"I don't know. I have an idea though, just based on some research I did today,"


"Enslaved people had to rebel however they could. There were more recorded cases of rebellion in the West Indies and the Caribbean than here in the US but, that of course does not portray an accurate picture. I think that was intentional to show slaves here in the Americas as being more docile and obedient as compared to other places."

"Go on,"

"I'm totally assuming here but based on what I saw, Anne may have been a house slave. And, she may have been forcibly having sex from a young age."


"That was her name."

"Oh shit."

"Is it getting real for you now?"

"A little, maybe. She was an actual... person?" Nodding, she sat up and hugged herself.


"Shut up,"

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