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A/N: Okay, I tried to hold on but baybay, these two are loud lol.  whew I didn't intend to write another chapter so soon but these two man. I woke up after dreaming about them all night long, I HAD to write something lol. I hope you guys enjoy~


The sound of the pounding electronic music could be felt from behind the door but it did absolutely nothing to stop the pounding of her heart in her chest. She didn't know what to do or what to say. Everything he'd said so far made absolutely no sense and she was far from an idiot. Clearing her throat, she shifted in her seat, crossing her arms.

"Aurelio, is it?"


"Please don't insult my intelligence." He blinked as if that wasn't the reaction he was expecting to have.

"It wasn't my intention to insult you."

"So, you're serious?"

"Yes, of course." Twisting her lips up, she frowned deeply.

"So, let me get this straight. You want me to believe that you are a mythical creature, something of the human imagination?" He didn't answer then.

"You expect me to believe that you're no different than those freaks out there, pretending to be something they're not?"


"Miss Laurier, to you. I don't know you."

"My sincerest apologies, Miss Laurier." To say that she felt incredibly infuriated was an understatement. This man had broken into her home on more than one occasion, snooped through her things and...and...violated her personal property. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she let out a quiet anger-filled breath.

"With all due respect, Aurelio..." Leaning forward in her chair, she locked eyes with him.

"I'm thissssss close to calling the cops." Swallowing tightly, he gave a single nod.

"To be honest here, Miss Laurier, I don't have any excuse to offer you. I feel like a perverted piece of shit. My behavior is not...normal."

"Mmhm." She agreed, now choosing to stand.

"Where are you going?"

"You called me out here to waste my time." He stood also and began to follow her as she grew closer to the door.

"No, just wait a minute."

"I don't have time for this." Grabbing her hand, he pulled her back and she at once yanked it back, using the hand to slap him across the face.

"Don't touch me!" Lifting his hands up now in a posture of defense, he took one step back from her.

"There is such a thing called bloodlust, Miss Laurier." He wasn't looking at her but at her feet.

"It is this intense hunger for blood that causes beings like me to act irrationally. The intention and purpose of it is to calm and satiate the feed, nothing more, nothing less." Nostrils flaring, she took hold of her wrist.

"You're for real. You really believe that...you're..."

"This nightclub is run by vampires. The entire club is filled with them. This is a popular feeding spot." Her eyes grew wide.

"And you invited me here knowing that?"

"I intended to be with you the entire time. With me, you're not in any danger."

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