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The very things he tried to avoid had bubbled up like the blood from a fresh cut and it spilled over and out across the flesh of his heart, bringing with it fresh. pain. Fresh heartbreak. "To undo what has been done to you, you must go back into the past and confront the one who cursed you."

"No." Here he was again, and it hurt. He didn't want to feel any of it again. Ever.

"You have to if you're going to move forward, Aurelio."


"Blast it, you're a stubborn bastard."

He hadn't moved from his spot, his hands covering his face. By now, Willow had come home to see a guest in her home and while she was more welcoming than her husband, she could immediately tell that something was wrong.

"Lauden, stop trying to force him." Green eyes met lovely hazel and he at once sighed, giving up without a fight. Rustling his rusty ringlets, she pressed a kiss against his forehead. Taking a seat on his lap, she glanced across at the distressed soul.

"Aurelio." In response, he granted her with a look.

"You have always done what you thought needed to be done to protect yourself. Your heart and your mind have always been at war, even when you were a human." He normally would have been alarmed by her analysis, being that he had never told her much about himself but right now, he was a bit thankful for her clairvoyance.

"You cannot receive Jasper while holding on to Anne." His breath grew really light then as she tapped in further.

"I sense the residue of rootwork, yes. But the intention was not to kill or harm. At the core of her intention, Anne just wanted her children. It is unfortunate that your heart was a casualty in that war. She seemed to be a budding healer of great power but she did not intend to take your life."

"Bullshit." His outburst caused her to pause.

"She told me that she put a curse on me. She told me that with her dying breath, she meant me harm." Willow looked sad then.

"Your dreams are a great torment to you. But, there is no truth in them, at least regarding Anne's perceived intent of harm. Her spirit means you no ill will." Taking an unsteady breath, he let his gaze leave her and focused on the feet of her and her husband, so close together.

"Your heart has been broken so many times but you have the power to choose what you do and how you live your life. The love you are so desperate for cannot be given by any one person. That love must radiate through you and come from you alone. Your love for yourself, your acceptance of yourself will heal all of the broken pieces inside of you."

"And Jasper? What of her?"

"I'm afraid I am not at liberty to disclose any more about her. I must be careful not change the sands of fate before its time."

"Understood." Willow got up and lifted his head. Pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, she smiled.

"Have no fear, though. She is most certainly your mate." Letting go of him, she left the two of them to head into the kitchen.

"Now, I'm sure you boys are hungry. Will you stay for dinner, Lio?"

"I'd be honored,"


She had a bone to pick with him but right now, she couldn't pass up this opportunity. He'd pulled up to her apartment, the sky clothed in darkness, the moon high and bright. Maybe it had to do with the desire threatening to burst from her maybe not but she wouldn't let him get away from her. Not this time. He'd turned off the car and the two of them sat in silence, for a minute.

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