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When she awoke the next morning, she thought it a dream at first. Warm, cozy and untouched, she'd been given the freedom to sleep uninterrupted; a rarity. Maybe it was her ongoing sleep deprivation but while the sleep felt nice, she still felt tired. Covers of the bedding had been pulled up over her head and she tried to savor the feeling of the luxurious mattress. In the dark, comforted by her own body heart, she heard a sound. Slowly lifting the covers back from her face, she saw him. Sitting on the opposite end of the bed, his arms were lifted above him in a stretch.

Again, the sound. A yawn. His hair was messy about his face as his side profile came into view. With a grumble, he got up and rubbed his eyes. Flipping the covers back over herself, she debated laying there for a moment longer but she knew that she had to rise. Pushing them back, she begrudgingly sat up with a frown. Opening irritated eyes, she took in his form now starting to dress. Looking up, he noticed her and with a sleepy smile, greeted her.

"Good morning, Miss Anne." His voice was awfully cheery and it further annoyed her.

"Leh meh lone. Too early." Chuckling, he reached for a comb.

"Not a morning person I take it."

"No." Smirking, he combed his hair and tied them into the familiar and proper ponytail. Situating his cravat, he reached for his waistcoat and smoothed it down.

"I should have left hours ago." She groused, reached up to wipe her face with her shirt.

"I thought it best to allow you to rest. You were so very tired."

"Hm." Those spectacles seemed to finish his look but all she saw were reasons for the Lady of the House to complain. He stood in clothes that were not ironed. It wasn't too noticeable but to the trained eye, one could tell. While there was a basin there by the bedside to wash, she hadn't been the one to fill it to his liking, therefore, leading her to assume that another one of the slaves had tended to his morning needs.

"Mistress will say I have neglected you when she see you."

"You've far from neglected me, Anne."

"Tell her that when she ask you." He placed his hat on his head and turned, gracing her with warm blue-green eyes and a gentle smile.

"I shall." Huffing, she finally drew herself away from the warm confines of his bed and began to cover her hair.

"I suppose I will see you later." She spoke, tying the scarf in a pretty new shape, unlike the day before.

"Yes," When she was done, she found him so close behind her and tried not to stiffen as he reached for her hands.

"If I call for you again tonight, would you come?" Feeling herself smile, she lifted her head and answered with a kiss, a close mouthed one, against his smooth pouty lips. Whispering one word, she separated herself from him and headed towards the door, putting a little extra sashay in her hips. Maybe. Without even giving him her body, she smirked confidently to herself as she began to take the stairs down from his room. She'd won him over. She'd given him just enough to make him want more. And more, he would most definitely want. She'd tease and play with him until he wouldn't be satisfied until he finally took her. She'd make damn sure of it.


"Weh ya ben?"

"Master Frederick's bed." The eyebrows of the women shot up in surprise.

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