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i) Mom : Go!!! Clean your room right now... Guests are coming for the dinner tonight.

Me : I didn't knew that the dinner is arranged in my room...

Mom : •_•' ... • •

ii) Phones get thinner and smart.
People get fatter and stupid.

iii) That awkward moment when you hear your voice recorded...

iv) Coughing in front of smokers to make them feel guilty!

v) Our generation will be the weirdest grandparents.

vi) I always regret leaving my phone on silent when I can't find it.

vii) I wanna throw a party with fake alcohol and see how many people act wasted.

viii) Clapping the longest during assembly because you're a fearless bastard.

ix) When my best friend isn't at school:
  5% Hoping they're OK.
95% How dare you leave me alone!

x) Sometimes I listen to strangers conversation and mentally give my opinion.

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