Chapter Two

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Charlie stood in the fair sized, white, and blue tiled, family bathroom of the Wilson home and stripped her dirty, sticky clothes from her warm body.
Dumping them in a pile to deal with after her shower.

She could hear Bucky's groan and a soft thud that she assumed was his head hitting the countertop, then Sam and Sarah teasing him about his recent interaction with herself.
She grinned to herself and turned the shower on to warm up, drowning out most of what was being said.

Stepping into the hot, steaming water Charlie stood, letting it wash over her zoning out, just listening to the rush of water over her head.
Her long auburn hair falling down her face, channeling water, as she hung her head and allowed the water to take the dirt, heat, and ache from her body.

She was unsure of how long she had stood there just listening to the water pour over her before she scrubbed her hair with strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, washing out the dirt and sweat.
Then polishing her body with her coconut body wash.

Shutting off the water she stepped out, wrapping a towel around her head and drying herself off, before wrapping the bath towel around her.
Then she realised in her haste to get clean she had forgotten to grab her clean clothes.
Damn it.

Groaning she bent to pick up the dirty clothes, screwing them into a tight bundle under her arm as she held the towel closed.
Peeking out of the bathroom door, looking both left and right down the hallway, she checked the coast was clear and made her way over to the guest bedroom quickly.

She twisted the handle and slipped inside closing the door before anyone saw her.
Turning back to the room she let out a scream.

"What the hell!" She yelled at the forlorn figure of Bucky draped across one of the two beds, lay on his back, feet on the floor, one arm thrown across his face.

"Jesus!" Bucky sat bolt upright staring at Charlie, then seeing her state of undress, quickly threw a hand up to cover his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" Charlie demanded, clutching her towel tightly.

"I could ask you the same thing" Bucky replied from behind his hand, his face reddening by the second and heart pounding from the shock.

"This is my room!" Charlie exclaimed.

"I'm gonna kill Sam" Bucky growled, standing up, hand still covering his eyes.
"Look I'm sorry Sam didn't tell me they'd rented my room out".

As the shock left Charlie's system, she began to smirk, then laugh.

Bucky looked so comical, bright red ears poking out from behind his large hand that covered his face, shuffling his feet uncomfortably, not knowing what to do about this half naked woman screaming at him, not being able to see to escape.

Charlie was now giggling uncontrollably.

"Well I'm glad you find it funny" Bucky sighed, shaking his head, hand still in place and tilted his head back,
"This day just gets better and better" He mumbled to himself.

Charlie dumped her dirty clothes into the hamper close to the bedroom door, then padded across the soft carpeted floor, over to Bucky, who was still holding his hand over his face, and pulled it away gently.
He moved his head back down at the touch and his blue eyes looked at her in confusion, brows furrowed. Eyes locked on hers, not daring to look elsewhere.

"If we're going to be bunk mates then we'll need a rota on who gets to be naked and when" She said quietly, smirking at his still pink face, which seemed to flush once more,
"But for now if you could kindly remove yourself so I can get dressed" She took a step back giving him a clear run to the door.

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