Chapter Eight

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🖤 No trigger warnings, I don't think!
Enjoy! 🖤

Charlie trailed round the city, followed closely by unamused looking Dora, until eventually she bumped into Sam, dressed now in grey shorts and a matching teeshirt, who had his own equally unamused Dora, buying some food from one of the little food stalls that littered the brightly coloured streets.

"Hey!" Sam smiled as Charlie came over and placed her own order. The two Dora smiling and nodding curtly to each other.

"Hey yourself" Charlie smiled,
"I see you got a bodyguard too" She smirked at the two Dora standing not looking at them.

"Um" Sam raised his eyebrows,
"Apparently I can't be trusted either" He sighed in disappointment.

"Aw don't take it so bad Sam" Charlie nudged his shoulder,
"It's nothing you've done. They just have different traditions and customs here" she sighed out,
"They do trust us, but they have to make sure you know?" Charlie turned her head slightly to look at him.

"Yeah I guess" Sam shook his head slightly and took a bite of his food,
"Ummmm!" his eyebrows knotted together,
"This is amazing!" he muttered through a mouth full of food.

Charlie laughed and took her own food from the vendor.
"I know, why do you think I'm stood here buying some?" she grinned.

They strolled through the city streets back towards the palace, taking in all the sights and sounds of the bustling city. People chatting and laughing, children running around playing and shouting. It was like another world here with the beautiful golden sun shining down and all the vibrant colours and sounds. Everything seemed so full of life.

"So..." Sam started as they neared the palace.

"So?" Charlie eyed him suspiciously, sensing the tone.

"You were there when he woke up, huh?" Sam smirked, looking away and at his feet.

"Oh god" Charlie sighed out,
"Which one told you?" Charlie glared at Sam.

"Told me what?" Sam continued to smirk and not look at her as they passed through the palace doors.

"He did" Charlie sighed again,
"Of course he did" She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I mean I was happy to see him awake too, but I don't think I had that reaction" Sam laughed, and the two Dora behind him sniggered before going back to their stoic looks, as Charlie whipped round to look at them.

"So everyone knows?" Charlie hissed to Sam her eyes wide.

"Pretty much, between him and Shuri" Sam laughed.

"Jesus" Charlie looked to the ceiling for support.

"Com' on. It's cute" Sam chuckled and nudged her shoulder,
"He was pretty made up about it" he grinned.

"Oh I'm sure" Charlie shook her head slightly,
"It was one bloody kiss" she huffed, coming to a stop outside their bedroom doors.

"Two" Sam corrected.

"What?" Charlie snapped and folded her arms across her chest defensively.

"It was two kisses" Sam smirked.

"Jesus, were you there?" Charlie huffed again,
"He kissed me the second time" she corrected.

"Oh and that makes a difference, huh?" Sam raised his eyebrows and shook his head at Charlie.

Charlie tilted her head, raising her eyebrows at Sam to stare at him, from under her lashes, with an unimpressed look on her face.
"Yes" she said and pushed her door open, walking in without waiting for Sam to continue, shutting it quickly to stop the conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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