Chapter Six

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains violence, fighting, explosions, and bodily harm.
Please read with caution!

Charlie stepped onto the jet to be greeted by the training pilot.

"Afternoon Captain"

"Afternoon pilot" Charlie said as she made her way to the cockpit,
"How fast does this thing go?" she said, sitting in the co-pilot seat.

"Ma'am?" the pilot said, unsure.

"What Mach can this plane reach?" Charlie turned to glare at the pilot.

"Er Mach three ma'am" came the pilots wavering reply, as he squirmed slightly under her gaze.

"Not fast enough" Charlie muttered, frowning, pulling the black beads from her pocket, and reaching to attach one to the console.

"Erm ma'am is that regulation?" the pilot asked nervously.

"Son" Charlie said, sitting back up and sighing, looking him in the eye,
"Just don't".

"Yes ma'am" the pilot nodded and started to flick the switches and controls on the console to take off.

As the jet climbed to cruising height Charlie turned to the pilot and grinned "Hold on to your socks pilot and punch it" She smiled wider as the pilot pushed the accelerator forcing the jet into Mach five.

Fifteen minutes later, Charlie was rappelling from the jet into the clearing where Torres was waiting. Charlies jet flew off at a significantly lower speed as she met Torres outside of his quinjet.
She listened as she took the earpiece from Torres.

"They entered at the south-west quadrant and made their way towards the office spaces at the back. Everything was going fine until I heard a massive explosion, and the comms went dead" Torres explained.

"And the unknowns?" Charlie questioned, looking up at Torres from under her lashes, a serious look on her face, while she fixed the earpiece in place.

"Theres five of them, they entered the building from the north-east about five minutes ago, but the radar is just showing them stood on the work floor, I don't think they know Sam and Bucky are in there" Torres finished worry etched into his face.

"Right, do we know who the unknowns are? If they are armed?" Charlie pushed for more information as she tightened some of the straps on her chest.

"No clue, but I would guess they aren't friendly and probably pretty well armed" Torres shook his head.

"Great" Charlie sighed, tilting her head back.

"You gonna be ok?" Torres asked, his brows knitting together.

"Heh, yeah" Charlie huffed out a small smile as she dropped her head back down to look at him,
"Keep me updated. And have this thing ready to take off as soon as we return" She ordered.

"Yes ma'am" Torres said with a smile and a pat on her shoulder before heading back into the jet.

Charlie took off running towards the south-west entrance through the trees. As she ran Torres' voice came through on the comms.

"Two of the pack have broken off towards the south-west entrance".

"Copy" was all Charlie replied.

As she came to the dense tree line close to the entrance, she saw two men in black jeans and tactical jackets with guns searching the entrance.

"Damn it" she muttered, pausing behind a large tree for cover and reaching into her belt, drawing out a small vial.

Snapping the top of it off, she launched it towards the men, engulfing them with thick, grey smoke. Charging forwards she grabbed the neck of the first man while using him to swing herself round and hit the second with both feet sending him full force, with a sicken crunch into the warehouse wall, where he just slumped down and didn't move again.
Using the momentum of the hit, she swung her legs up and around the first man's neck, squeezing her thighs as tightly as possible before finishing him off with a brutal punch to the head.
Landing careful as the man fell, she glanced around to ensure no one else was about as the smoke cleared.

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