Chapter Five: Cierien

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 "What am I looking at?" I ask, my brow furrowing in puzzlement as I glance at the news article displayed before me.

 "Our first solid lead."

 Without any hesitation, Sophie is ditching the film she'd been watching, and swiftly joining us at the counter. Leaning in, she briskly peruses the page, her expression mirroring the perplexity etched on my own face. "Eighteen researchers dead? How does this relate to finding Idalia?" she asks, uncertainty tingling in her voice. "Not to mention, this is on the other side of the country, in New York of all places."

 Wrath's disdainful scoff slices through the tense air as he deftly seizes the computer from our grasp, his face a canvas of frustration and impatience. "Can't you see? This is WWA," he asserts sharply, his words laced with irritation.

 "What's WWA?" I press, my confusion mounting at his enigmatic remark.

 "The researchers, Cierien. Use your brain," he growls impatiently, gesturing towards the screen in front of us, his frustration palpable.


 "Wrath... It's highly unlikely that WWA is still operational. Wouldn't they have retaliated by now? We killed the Adairs. They wouldn't just let that slide," I reason, my tone steady yet resolute as I try to make sense of the situation.

 He shakes his head, a hint of uncertainty flickering in his eyes as they dart away momentarily. "I... I'm not sure, Cier. But this can't be dismissed. There has to be something—"

 "Wrath," Sophie interjects, her voice slicing through his wavering resolve. "Cierien is right. I may not be well-versed in these matters, but if WWA was still in play, they wouldn't simply ignore the fact that you both took out two of their top operatives. It doesn't add up."

 "The Adair residence was likely the sole operational facility remaining. We witnessed firsthand how limited the Adairs were— just two doctors, with only one truly dedicated to research and experimentation. The other seemed more inclined towards needless cruelty. There wasn't much scientific progress beyond their futile attempts at a cure," I contribute, aiming to shed light on the situation from our own observations.

 "No, this is—" Wrath starts, but Sophie interrupts him with a gentle wave of her hand and a soft-spoken plea.

 "Wrath, I understand your desire for significance in this, I do. I desperately want it to be something too, but—" she begins, her voice a blend of compassion and logic.

 "Damn it!" Wrath explodes, his frustration erupting as he slams the laptop shut with a thunderous crash, jolting both Sophie and me with the sudden outburst.

 As the echoes of Wrath's thunderous anger subside, a thick silence envelops the room, broken only by the harsh rhythm of our breaths. Emotions swirl around us, crackling with an intensity that makes the air feel heavy and charged. The ferocity of Wrath's outburst leaves me reeling, a visceral reaction coursing through me like a shockwave. It's been ages since I've witnessed such raw emotion from him, and the sheer force of it sends a shiver down my spine, raising the hairs on the back of my neck.

 Despite Sophie and I diligently combing through every shred of evidence, I hadn't realized Wrath was also on the hunt for clues. His sudden, unwavering determination to uncover the truth about Idalia's whereabouts catches me off guard, sparking a flurry of questions in my mind. What has spurred this newfound urgency?

 Deep down, a nagging intuition tells me that Wrath's relentless pursuit of Idalia's whereabouts may be more about grappling with the haunting void left by Avalyn's absence than any hope of Idalia resurfacing in New York. The idea of him confronting the depths of his grief for Avalyn stirs a complex blend of sympathy and concern within me. As my gaze shifts to Sophie, I can sense the same unease reflected in her eyes. It's as if we're both acutely aware of the emotional storm brewing within Wrath.

 As I watch Wrath, his posture stiff and his resolve unyielding, a sense of empathy washes over me. I can't help but wonder if the relentless pursuit of Idalia, coupled with our frustrating lack of progress in bringing Avalyn's murderers to justice, has begun to weigh heavily on him. "I'm sorry, Wrath," I murmur softly, my voice filled with genuine concern. "I just don't believe this is what you're hoping it to be."

 Reaching out, I gently grasp his hand, offering a silent gesture of solidarity and support. In that moment, I hope he can feel the warmth of our connection, a reminder that he doesn't have to face his demons alone.

 I squeeze his hand thrice, a silent reminder of the bond we share and the comfort we've always found in each other's presence. But before I can offer any further reassurance, he abruptly pushes me aside, his gaze filled with fierce determination. "I'm telling you, this is WWA. Idalia did this," he declares, his voice firm and resolute, cutting through the heavy silence like a knife.

 His words linger in the air, heavy with conviction and an undeniable intensity. Despite the doubts swirling in my mind, I find myself unable to ignore the fire burning in his eyes. Though I may harbor reservations, I've learned to never underestimate the depth of his intuition.

 After all the trials we've faced together, the battles fought and victories won, I've come to trust in his instincts implicitly. There's a bond between us forged in the crucible of shared experiences, a connection that transcends mere words. In moments like these, I realize that dismissing his concerns outright would be a disservice to everything we've built together.

 With a silent nod, I acknowledge his resolve, silently affirming my support. Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly entertain the possibility that Wrath might be onto something. "Okay, okay. Let's entertain the idea that this is Idalia. But why would she kill eighteen researchers?" I inquire, my voice tinged with skepticism.

 Despite my willingness to consider his perspective, I can't shake the nagging doubts that linger in the recesses of my mind. The idea that Idalia could be accountable for such a heinous act appears incongruous with the person I once knew. Not that she lacks the capability or malevolence to inflict harm on another, but she always appeared disinterested in any involvement with WWA.

 "I can't say for sure, but she insinuated that WWA was still operational when you initially met with her," Wrath grumbles, his voice laced with frustration. "And Avalyn mentioned feeling like someone— a man— was tailing her. It's entirely possible they were tailing us, not her."

 When Avalyn first confided her fears of being followed, I couldn't help but feel a pang of worry for her safety. However, the idea that it could be linked to WWA seemed far-fetched at the time. Wrath and I had previously discussed the possibility of WWA being operational, ultimately concluding that it was highly improbable. We reasoned that if Avalyn truly was the cure, WWA would never allow her to roam freely. Additionally, the absence of any attempts to recapture us reinforced our belief that WWA was nothing more than a defunct organization.

 However, now that I think about it, the revelation that Avalyn was not the cure has shattered those preconceived notions, forcing me to reevaluate our assumptions. Suddenly, the possibility of WWA resurfacing seems less improbable, prompting a reassessment of the events unfolding around us. Yet, despite this newfound uncertainty, the pieces of the puzzle still fail to align cohesively in my mind. There are too many unanswered questions and too many inconsistencies.

 "Again, why wouldn't they just toss you back into a cell?" Sophie asks. "And how did you link a fire in New York to Idalia? It seems pretty far-fetched."

 My thoughts exactly.

 "Because she was indeed in New York, present at the fire, and I have camera footage to substantiate it," Wrath states flatly, his tone void of emotion. "I found Idalia."

 Sophie's breath catches in her throat before she let out a heavy sigh of disbelief. "Well, damn, why didn't you just lead with that?"

 "...I did."


ask and you shall receive :)

i rlly don't like this chapter so I'm giving yall another in a couple minutes !

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