Chapter Fifty-Four: Wrath

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Reluctant to leave Avalyn alone, I hesitate, but her eyes implore me to go- to find my mother. If it were anyone else, and not my mother at stake, I would refuse to leave her side. Yet, the thought of my mother being so close, the possibility of seeing her any moment, spurs me into action. I grip the woman by her wrist and drag her away, urgency fueling my every step.

"Amoret, yeah?" I whisper. She nods, barely perceptible. "You know where the basement is?"

"Hallway on the right- there's only one door," she murmurs, her eyes lifeless, her voice heavy with exhaustion.

I understand, to some extent, what her situation feels like. Hers is undeniably worse, but I recognize the utter disinterest, the disconnect in her demeanor. She appears completely checked out, devoid of emotions about the outcome. She seems neither pleased nor displeased at the idea of leaving this place.

As we follow the crowd, the guards remain preoccupied with the people heading toward the hallway on the left- likely the private rooms. This distraction provides the perfect opportunity for us to slip into the hallway unnoticed. Glancing back to ensure we aren't seen, I carefully open the door, revealing a shadowy staircase. It descends to the left, dark and foreboding, beckoning us into the unknown.

"Do you know the way down here?" I ask the woman, uneasy at the thought of wandering aimlessly in search of my mother. I want to get in and out quickly, avoiding any unnecessary delays in places she isn't. And the sooner I can return to Avalyn, the better.

She shrugs. "I've been down there plenty of times. I can point us in the right direction... but you do realize there will be guards, right?"

I narrow my eyes, glancing over my shoulder at her. "Of course. Just stay back, I'll take care of them."

She scoffs as if I'm joking, but I don't dwell on it. Frankly, I don't care, as long as she stays out of my way.

I begin my descent, urging her in front of me so she can lead the way. The stairs are dark, but as we turn left, I catch sight of light at the bottom.

My steps are quiet, but she seems indifferent, practically dragging her feet. I tug on her shirt, pulling her back and stopping her in her tracks. "Keep quiet," I growl. "How many guards should I expect?"

"Several," she replies, not even attempting to lower her voice.

I have half a mind not to push her down the stairs; her indifference to helping is irritating me. I have to remind myself to be decent- I can't resort to violence or abandon her just because she's being difficult. Perhaps if I weren't aware of the horrors above, I might consider it. But I'm not going to leave her behind just because she's acting like a brat. "How helpful," I murmur, leaving it at that.

As we reach the bottom of the stairs, my eyes sweep across the room, taking in its eclectic furnishings. A massive television commands attention, flanked by an array of monitors on the far wall, with a discreet door nearby hinting at hidden depths. But it's the lone guard that steals my focus, oblivious to our approach, swaying to the rhythm of his music. Large, chunky headphones engulf his ears, drowning out all but the most thunderous of sounds. His head nods in time with the beat, lost in his own world as he remains engrossed in the flickering screens before him.

With a subtle gesture, I signal for Amoret to stay put. Moving with measured, silent steps, I inch closer to the guard. His intense focus on the screens ahead reveals his complete obliviousness to our presence. As I lean slightly to the side, I confirm he's utterly engrossed in the unfolding events, unaware of the danger lurking behind him.

I watch the guard as he lazily flicks through the surveillance footage, his focus drifting between the screens and the beat of his music. His lips silently mouthing the lyrics, he's clearly absorbed in his own world. As he switches to the view of the ballroom floor, I anxiously scan the throng of guests for Avalyn. My chest constricts when I can't spot her, but I remind myself she might just be hidden in the crowd. Before I can worry too much, the guard swiftly transitions to another camera, leaving me no time to dwell on my concern.

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