Chapter Sixty: Avalyn

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We drift off to sleep, though it feels like only a moment before the house stirs with the early morning activity. The soft sounds of movement signal that it's time for the others to depart. Determined not to miss their farewell, I reluctantly leave the warmth of the bed and gently rouse each of my guys, giving them a tender shake to wake them.

They all huff and groan— mostly Wrath, who got the same amount of sleep as I did— as they roll out of bed. Aren stumbles forward, eyes still closed and grasps me for guidance. Cierien follows closely, his head resting against Aren's back. Wrath watches with a critical eye, giving them both a push before taking his place at my side.

"Idiots," he murmurs beneath his breath, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me against him.

They both groan in response, too tired to deal with Wrath's antics this early in the morning.

We step into the living room together and find everyone awake and preparing to leave. Sophie sits on the couch, dressed and ready, waiting for the others to give the signal. Jeannette meticulously scans her belongings, ensuring she has everything despite her minimal baggage. Meanwhile, Idalia emerges from her room, humming cheerfully.

Wrath seems to snap awake at the sight of his mother, the realization hitting him that this may be the last time he sees her until we deal with the headman. He instantly straightens up, the fogginess from lack of sleep vanishing in an instant.

Idalia, surprisingly, seems chipper— too chipper. She hums with a spring in her step as she drops her bags by the front door. Then, she turns toward us, heading straight toward me. I half expect a physical blow, tensing as she approaches, unsure of the reason but bracing for it nonetheless. Instead, and even more surprising than her cheerful attitude, she pulls me into a tight embrace. "Oh, little Adair," she groans dramatically, "I'll miss you so," she sings, drawing out the words in a playful, melodic tone.

What the fuck?

Cierien's expression mirrors my own, while Wrath looks ready to rip her off of me if necessary. I nearly give him the go-ahead, slightly off-put and unfamiliar with her affection, but I ultimately, I decide just to let it happen.

Eventually, she lets go and skips over to her brother, planting a big kiss on his cheek. "Come back soon, okay? Your big sister is always here for you. Don't forget to keep me updated," she says, hugging him and pinching his cheeks affectionately.

Aren wears the biggest smile, clearly joyous at his sister's attitude. He wishes her farewell, whining playfully about how he will be good and keep in contact every day. It's sweet to see. Too sweet for Idalia though— I look away.

Jeannette pulls Wrath from my grip as Sophie barrels into me, her arms coming down tight around me. "God, I'll miss you," she lets out a breathy chuckle. "You'll come back soon, yeah?"

I nod against her, promising to get the job done as swiftly as possible. Yet, I'm not sure if I'm being entirely honest. I do want to return to California eventually; I just don't know if it will be right away. Even if I take down the headman, there are still more doctors to deal with. Sure, I could use a break after taking down the big boss, but I won't know if that's what I'll want until after it's done. Regardless, I tell her what she wants to hear— that I'll be home soon.

If I can even call it home anymore— it never truly felt like one. If I do go back, perhaps it will be to a new house. Yet, for some odd reason, my stomach twists at the thought of selling my childhood abode. I grew up within those walls, met Cierien and Wrath, and fell in love there. I can't say if that's reason enough to keep the house, though.

Sophie lets go, then pulls me close to her side as we watch Wrath bid his mother goodbye. I rest my head on her shoulder, soaking up the contact, knowing I won't see her for a while. "You're a good man, Lucius. You keep your family safe, okay, sweetheart?" Jeannette says.

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