Chapter Fifty-Two: Avalyn

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 I haven't laid eyes on Amoret since that fateful party. After my abduction, neither Aren nor Jeannette could provide any clues about her identity or whereabouts. I never imagined I'd encounter her again, yet here she is.

 Though I know I shouldn't, I can't resist the urge to approach. Sliding a glass of champagne off a passing waitress's tray, I grasp it tightly, needing something to occupy my hands as I make my way over. My gaze locks onto a solitary man in a booth, Amoret draped over his lap, her movements disjointed, her eyes vacant.

 "Hello," I purr, flashing the man a seductive smile. "I'm new around here and thought I'd make the rounds to introduce myself.

 I'm veering off course, not so much abandoning the plan, but just putting it at a temporary halt. Technically, it's more multitasking than anything. And what could go wrong with that?

 The seeds of this began back at the party— I had resolved to rescue her then, and I failed. I was so distraught when I realized I couldn't save one person. But this feels like a second chance, and I'm not about to let it slip through my fingers.

 The man's eyes size me up, lingering far too long on my chest before he responds with a wide, toothy grin. "How kind of you," he drawls, gesturing toward the booth where he sits, inviting me to join them. "Come, have a seat."

 Amoret doesn't spare me a glance, her attention wholly consumed by the rhythmic movement of her fidgeting fingers. It's uncertain whether she remembers me at all. She did appear drugged out of her mind the last time I saw her. While she does seem slightly more present than before, she is also disconnected from our conversation, displaying no interest or engagement.

 "I'm Mary Renelly," I offer, extending my hand across the small table.

 "Tyler," he responds simply, not offering a last name as he plants a wet kiss on my knuckles.

 I suppress a grimace, discreetly wiping my hand on my dress beneath the table. "My husband and I are here for the first time. We're quite eager to participate in the auction, but... did we miss it?"

 I avert my gaze to Amoret, subtly acknowledging her presence before the auction has even commenced, feigning ignorance. The man chuckles at my comment. "No, no, of course not," he reassures me. "The auction should be starting any minute now. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the selection."

 "Hmm," I reply with a saccharine smile, concealing the repulsion I feel. He doesn't acknowledge my hint at the vampire on his lap, so I decide to be more direct. "I was actually quite intrigued by the one seated on your lap. Will she be up for sale?" The words leave a bitter taste in my mouth, but I suppress any emotions that threaten to overwhelm me as I speak.

 The man's eyes narrow, skepticism evident in his gaze. "You really are new, huh? Does she look like she's up for sale?" he asks, his tone carrying a bite, laced with harsh sarcasm. I maintain my steady smile as he speaks. "I got early dibs— I'm a frequent guest. She'll be up at the next auction, I'm sure. However, she's mine for the night."

 His possessive tone raises my guard. The fact that he's 'calling dibs' on her before the auction even starts hints at a disturbing level of familiarity between them.

 I nod, concealing any discomfort. "I see," I reply calmly, shifting my focus to the bustling activity around us. Everyone appears too engrossed in their own affairs to take notice of our conversation. Leaning in closer, I lower my voice. "Mind if I join in, then?"

 His pupils dilate, his heart thumping against his ribcage at my question. I offer him a flirtatious smile, tilting my head slightly, letting my gaze linger over him as if I'm genuinely intrigued. He's oblivious to my disinterest, relishing in the very fake attention I'm giving him. He lacks in attractiveness, and I doubt any woman has ever approached him of her own accord. It's no wonder why he practically stammers over his words, attempting to accept my suggestion.

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