Ladder Scene

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"It wasn't savage, it was lonely," Will responded, propping himself on the ladder that led up to the loft that spanned around Dr. Lector's psychology room, filled with books. "Desperate, and sad," he continued. Hannibal looked at him, listening to Will explaining what burdened him today, how he was becoming too much like the killer when analyzing crime scenes, and how it was tormenting him now.

"I caught a glimpse of myself in her. I looked right... through me. Past me, as if I was a s-stranger." Will's voice began to falter a bit, remembering everything that happened once again. Hannibal stood up, walking towards Will,

"You have to [...] confront your limitations with what you do, and how it affects you." Will drew a deep breath in, then out as he completely leaned against the ladder. Something inside of Hannibal shivered, as he looked at Will. (A/N: when re-watching the scene on YouTube to get correct dialogue, I could not, for the life of me, understand what Hannibal said before 'confront' because of his accent. I shit you not, all I can hear is "You have to unfreak confront your...", so apologize for the [...] there, I have no clue what word belongs there till I can re-watch the scene with the captions, because the YouTube video I used doesn't have captions.)

"If by limitations, you mean the difference between sanity and insanity, I don't accept that." Hannibal looked away from Will, then back at him, still wondering why he was dodging what was truly wrong with him. 

"What do you accept?"

"That I know what kind of crazy I am, and this is not that kind of crazy. This could be seizures, this could be a tumor, a... a blood clot." Will began to look bothered and uneasy. 

"I do recommend a neurologist, but if it isn't physiological, then you have to accept what you're struggling with... is mental illness." Will still didn't want to believe it. He wanted it to be any other physical possibility that could be easily fixed through medication or a surgery, rather than something mental that would never be solved. He didn't want to be the insane that Hannibal was implying. 

"I know this troubles you, and that you wish it wasn't mental illness," Hannibal started, shuffling a little closer to Will, who didn't respond, and seemed to now be lost in thought. Hannibal caught on to that fact, placing his hand to Will's face, cupping his jaw and lower cheek in his hand, and raising Will's head to face Hannibal directly. Hannibal stared into Will, as if looking for him in someone else. "Will?" Will only stared back at Hannibal, looking right through him, still completely lost in thought. 

The two's relationship was closer than the average patient-doctor relationship should be. They often met together outside the office, having drinks together, and even eating dinner at Hannibal's house. But in all of those encounters, they never went the way Hannibal wanted them to. So to get Will back to reality, Hannibal decided he would do what he wanted. Hannibal took his other hand, cupped the other side of Will's face, and brought it closer to his, closing the distance between them. Hannibal tilted his head slightly, gently pressing his lips to Will for a split moment. Will snapped out of it, shocked that he was coming back to a kiss. Hannibal quickly putting the distance back between them, dropping his hands at his side. 

Will stood there, silent still, as Hannibal turned and retreated to his desk, looking through loose papers that sat on the desk for a distraction. Will, finally comprehending the last thirty seconds, looked to Hannibal, who was facing away from him. He stood up off the ladder, walked to Hannibal, and stood behind him.

"I must really be fucking insane, then." Will mumbled, making Hannibal turn around to face him, confused by what he said. When Hannibal fully turned around, Will leaned forward, kissing back Hannibal, this kiss lasting longer than the other. Hannibal pulled his head back, and gave a small smile, putting his hands up to hold Will's face, pulling him in for another kiss. Will placed his hands on Hannibal where his shoulder and neck met, leaning fully into the kiss. After a couple minutes of much need romantic release, they broke the kiss.

"I suppose you don't want psychological help for this, do you?" Hannibal asked, his arms now wrapped around Will's waist.

"Depends, will you be the psychiatrist to help me?" Will responded. Hannibal smiled, then kissed Will's forehead.


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